Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Liberalism, an undocumented mental illness part deux

Last time I discussed how liberalism actually includes many of the features of a mental illness called Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD).  Today I'm going to discuss how libs have the same characteristics as Borderline Personality disorder (BPD).
To start with, all personality disorder traits have one thing in common.  They all have a distorted cognition of reality.  In that alone, this would be enough to label them mentally ill.  However, I will give more correlation.
The classic sign of BPD is something called "splitting."  Splitting is where the patient thinks in terms of only "black and white"  or everyone is only "good or bad."

A) Splitting is not only characteristic in BPD, but in liberalism.  Splitting is also another way of saying 'intolerant'.  This is because to a person with BPD, someone may be all-good at that moment and then turn all-bad in the next.  This is the same as with libs, they may tolerate someone as long as they support their agenda.  As soon as the support begins to decline, so does the love of that individual.

B) Unstable relationships:  This one speaks for itself.  Just pick any lib and look at their relationships.  Edwards, Kerry, Kennedy (any of them) and Clinton, just to name a few.  But this is not the relationship I speak of.  I'm talking about the relationship that libs have with their electorate.  You see, libs use people, until they are no longer useful.  For example.  libs have had a very tumultuous relationship with the senior citizen.  While libs have been using them (for their votes) the libs have been undermining them.  They use the one thing that seniors hold near and dear, their healthcare....for a decades the liberals have been telling them that it is the conservatives that want to take away their  medicare, yet it has always been the liberals who steal and use the medicare fund as their own personal piggy-bank.  The libs are trying, with this healthcare effort, to essentially take away the seniors right to choose their own healthcare.  Another example is how liberals claim that they are compassionate about minority children.  They not only have no compassion for minority children, they have an actual disdain for them.  You see, there are school voucher programs to allow minority kids, attending the rotten public schools, to choose their own schools.  This includes private schools.  The NEA (a teachers union) is not in those schools or if they are has no pull.  Those children get a good education and actually succeed.  Why would the libs then want to cancel these programs?  Well, when you have a mental illness, you don't always make the right choices.

C) Strong feeling of victimization: Another aspect to BPD is that these people have a very highly attuned, albeit incorrect, feeling that they are always the victim.  This falls in lockstep with the liberals own view.  Liberals, like BPD suffers, believe that they are always the victims.  In fact, the key players in this 'victimization' mentality are fake 'victims'.  Election after election, news story after news story show off another class of self-perceived 'victim'.  Whether it's 'minorities', 'single-mothers', 'kids', those with 'illnesses' and today, the 'terrorist.'  They, the 'victims', are thrown into the frey and human nature being as it is, go along with it. 

D) Deliberately manipulative: Since people with BPD have very poor coping skills, they will manipulate the situation or the person to get wanted results.  This too, is the way of the liberal.  They will do anything to get the results they want.  They will lie, cheat and steal.  Case-in-point.  When liberals are faced with a challenge that they are not ready for, they will cry 'foul.'  When conservatives or people in general do not agree with Obama, they are labeled as 'racists'.  The libs will go out of there way to lie about the obvious truth and then try to make you think that you are in the wrong.

E) Suicidal or self-harming behavior: In people with BPD, they will harm themselves, either by cutting themselves (these are the people you may see that have many cut scars on their arms) or by killing themselves outright.  Some of those suicide attempts are cries for help and not real.  The libs do the same thing.  For an ideology they are willing to commit political suicide.  This is best illustrated with the healthcare scenario.  Many of the libs (including blue-dogs) will sacrifice their own candidacy for an agenda that they know will be fatal at the ballot box.  However, they, the libs, do not care. Which goes back to the distortion of cognition.

F) Impulsive behavior:  People with BPD often engage in reckless behaviors such as promiscuos sex,  reckless driving, substance abuse, and others.  Libs often do these things. Take people like Clinton, who is a serial womanizer.  The late Kennedy who actually killed (no pun intended) two birds with one stone.  Chris Dodd and Kennedy made a waitress sandwich.  Conservatives are not immune from this, obviously, but the point is that these actions are just another symptom in a much broader illness.

Unlike people who actually suffer with BPD, libs display much of the same symptomatology for an entirely different reason.  BPD is a real disorder that is multi-factorial, the libs version of this disorder has only one factor, power.  It's not about the people they represent, it's about their own ideology, which is about power.  The treatment approach to BPD is multi-factorial and includes medication and education.  The treatment for liberalism is education, voting them out and sometimes medication for the rest of us.

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