Friday, January 15, 2010

You know you've made it, when you have your own stalker

In another case of mental illness, liberals show us the real-life example of 'stalking.'
Now, you may think, and rightly so, that a stalker is someone waiting in the bushes for their prey.  Some pervert laying in wait for a lone female.  You may also think of a disgruntled and mentally unstable guy or gal terrorizing his/her ex.  While this is the typical scenario, this is not the only way a stalker operates. 
Stalking (or a stalker):
"Behavior wherein an individual willfully and repeatedly engages in a knowing course of harassing conduct directed at another person which reasonably and seriously alarms, torments, or terrorizes that person."
There are different types of stalking that was described by Mullen et al. in 1999.  The type I will be discussing is the 'Incomptent' and the 'Resentful'
There are certain charecterstics of each.
1) The incompetent:
These intellectually limited and socially incompetent individuals desire intimacy, but the object of their affection does not reciprocate these feelings.
a) They often lack sufficient skills in courting rituals.
b) They may also display a sense of entitlement: believing they deserve a partner, but lack the ability or desire to engage in subdued, preliminary interpersonal relations.
c) Another aspect of these stalkers is that they may have had previous stalking victims.
d) Unlike the intimacy seekers, those in the incompetent category do not view the victim as having unique qualities; they are not infatuated with the victim -- only attracted, and do not assert that the affection is mutual.
2) The resentful:  
a) The goal of this stalker is to frighten and distress the victim.
b) These stalkers may also experience feelings of injustice and desire revenge.

The victim?  Sarah Palin.

5) CBS 60 minutes

These stories are only from 12/17/09 until 1/15/10.... 
This will lead into Palin Derangement Syndrome (which will be the next story).

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