Friday, October 3, 2008

Speak not of what I know by Reuters

Now this may come as a shock, but I am a seriously, stop laughing!
Here's an article that actually combines medicine and lunacy.
From Reuters: Poverty-linked diseases come back in Argentina
"Poverty-related diseases such as Chagas, rabies and yellow fever are making a comeback in Argentina because prevention campaigns cut during a deep economic crisis seven years ago have still not recovered."

Here's the "Lunacy" part:
Deforestation and higher temperatures attributed to global warming are also contributing to the resurgence or reappearance of some diseases, experts said.
Mosquito-borne illnesses, which have made a comeback around the world, possibly due to climate change or the banning of some pesticides, are also resurgent in Argentina.

Ok, here's the medical facts: 
1) banning of pesticides is directly responsible for resurgence of all mosquito-born illnesses. Don't believe me?  Read up on "DDT", "Rachel Carson", "Silent Spring" and the death rate of DDT vs. Malaria in the world.
2) Chagas disease, aka American Trypansomiasis, causes a bunch of stuff that's irrelevant to this.  The germane points are that this infection is passed from a bug called a Riduviid bug.  This bug lives in thatch, adobe, or mud huts. 

What is the lesson here?  Climate change is not responsible for this.  Criminal dictatorships, Lunatic enviro-Marxist, and news organizations that report this bilge are responsible.

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