Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ACORN, Fraud, and football

From the Las Vegas Review Journal:
"ACORN's canvassers filled out forms with fake names, addresses, officials say"
"The secretary of state's office launched an investigation after noticing that names did not match addresses and that most members of the Dallas Cowboys appeared to be registering in Nevada to vote in November's general election."

My friends, this is an epidemic. You think the early voting in Ohio is legit? ACORN is a criminal organization, no better than mobsters and common thugs that rip off old ladies for their social security checks. This organization has been indicted for voter freud numerous times. But this is the ONLY way that libs can win, by cheating.


Anonymous said...

Notice how the mainstream liberal media tries to downplay these issues? Bill Ayers helping to launch your political career is not a viable argument because you were only 8 yrs old when his acts of domestic terrorism were perpetrated, neither is supposed ACORN voter fraud, Jeremiah Wright as your spiritual adviser, Tony Rezko, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac kickbacks to the #2 recipient in the Senate or that the Democratic Finance chairman Barney Frank said that these institutions were solvent TWO months before they had to be bailed out in the largest act of socialism in American history...but make sure you don't say 'this one' or hesitate on what magazines you read in an interview with Katie Couric because these are issues that SHOULD be discussed. Journalism is really dead in 2008. The NY Times is now being exposed as "all that's 'left' to print." This election is a referendum on the Bush Presidency, which has been a failure in many respects...I agree..but that John McCain should suffer as a result is very sad indeed, especially when he has taken on his own party and the current administration on issues like immigration reform and Iraq policy. I implore those reading this to look past the "D" or "R" when we select our next President. It's not about catchy slogans like 'country first' or 'change we can believe in' or 'yes we can' or oratory's about who has the experience, judgment and record to take this country in a new bi-partisan direction, without raising taxes on small and big businesses during a time of economic crisis. This is the sector that provides jobs, goods and services. When they start to pay more, unemployment will soar...well beyond what we are seeing now. Whose policies at home and abroad are in America's best interests? That is my definition of real leadership. I vote for person before party and policies before promises. McCain-Palin '08.

Grinch said...

Good post..