Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Liberalism, an undocumented mental illness, part 1

In order to understand how mental illness correlates to liberalism, we should investigate and explain each.
In the medical world, more specifically, the psychiatric world, the "bible" is a book called the "DSM-IV-TR." It stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Doctors use this book to diagnose certain mental diseases (most of them). There is a subset of mental illness called personality disorders (PD).
"Personality disorder is a general term for a type of mental illness in which your ways of thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others are dysfunctional. There are many specific types of personality disorders."

There are 3 major categories of PD's. They are called 'clusters.' Cluster A, Cluster B, and Cluster C. In each of the clusters, there are subtypes of diseases. Let's make this clearer. I will be very broad.
Cluster A is defined as Odd and Eccentric Behaviors: In this cluster there are the following subtypes:
1) Schizoid PD
2) Schizotypal PD
3) Paranoid PD

I won't go too much deeper because it I may loose you. However, I will tell you the specific criteria and such for the disorders as it correlates to liberalism.

Now let's talk a little politics.
In the "beginning", we, conservatives were called "liberals." Actually we are 'classic liberals.'
Conservatives believed (in the begining) that things should not change. When you discussed conservatives in the age of kings and theocracy (church was the ruler) then you were right to say that this type of 'conservatism' is evil, as the rulers wanted to conserve their rule. When you would say, "I'm a liberal" you would, in essence, be saying that you wanted to be free or liberated.
It's not complicated. Then in the time of John Locke (1632-1704), things began to change. Free men wanted to be free. Locke talked about "Natural Rights." You can translate that as your "unalienable right." INalienable rights are different, so becareful which one you use.
You are probably familiar with the term "Unalianable rights" as it is in the Declaration of Independance .
Unalienable rights are rights that "incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred." This includes LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. That means that the government cannot take those away from you because they cannot GIVE them to you. Your creator has given you those natural rights, not the government. You understand this?
So when did we change? In the beginning of the 20th century in the United States (and in the 19th century in europe, which infested itself here) " liberalism began to shift its emphasis from protecting individuals from oppressive governments to using government as a device to enable individuals to achieve a more meaningful and rewarding life"

So now you have a complete shift. People did not realize (or did not care) that a government that is powerful enough to give you something, was powerful enough to take it away ( a paraphrase on the great Jefferson quote). One of the 'something' that he must have been talking about were the Natural rights. You see, if a people can be convinced that there Natural rights, were not actually "natural" or unalianable, then people would have no issues with government taking them away, which remember it can't do because it can't give them to you in the first place.
The people, liberals, believe that everything should be equal, not for the sake of bettering a person but because they feel and believe that you may have too much. This, of course, does not apply to them. They believe that they know better than you, what you should do with your natural rights.
A factor that is undeniable and cannot be disputed, but is often the focus of attack by liberals is that your labor ( the consequence of your time doing something while you are on this mortal-coil) is not really yours. Well, if the fruit of your labor is not yours, whose is it? Who gets to decide who it goes to? Who gets to decide how much goes to who? Then, what happens when it (the fruits of your labor) runs out? Who will provide more fruits? These are questions that are not able to be answered by the liberal. Instead they attack your person as "greedy" and "uncaring about the less fortunate." They call claim that if you want to keep the fruits-of-your-labor that you are just a "fat cat." Some things that the liberal does is use force, with threat of libel and reputation destruction (and perhaps physical violence) that if you do not forcibly give the fruits, on your own volition, then you will be punished. The punitive factors can be something as small as being called names, to having your business destroyed, to violence. The liberal does not care what the consequences of his action of the theft is on you (and I do mean you personally or your family or your business, etc). Instead they focus on the 'ends.' To them the 'ends justify the means.' This is of course, as long as it does not effect them in the negative light and may even make it profitable for them. In fact if it does portray them in a negative light, the liberals become full of righteous indignation. They yell from the mountain tops of how they are insulted and that the injustice of the insult, shall change the core of their inner-being. All this while they ignore the truth. The truth is a constant casualty in their assault on anyone who does not agree with them. This almost seems as though they are antisocial. This bridges perfectly into our first PD, Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD).

Let's look at the characteristics of APD vs Liberalism:
1) Drug use: APD and liberals (Obama himsself claiming to have done drugs in high school).

2) Narcissism: APD and Liberalism. They both believe they both have a sense of extreme entitlement.

3) Lying: APD and liberalism. They both lie to get what they want.

4) Remorseless: APD and liberalism. Both parties do not care who they hurt as long as they get their way. This is a key to diagnosis. People with APD are the serial killers (not calling libs, serial killers, relax), the Casanovas that leave people penniless. They just don't care, period. They have no conscience.

5) Charm (superficial): APD and liberalism. Both are very smooth talking, a la Clinton. Even Carter had a charming little southern thing going. Obama is Joe Cool.

6) Rights of others: APD and Liberalism. Both parties do not respect the rights of others.

7) Aggressive, violence: APD and liberalism. While the liberals do not, as a society, promulgate violence, they do not hesitate to use it to achieve their goals. This is the same for APD.

8) Poor behavior control: APD and liberals have poor self control. This is witnessed, in the liberal, case as them trying to shout down any conversation they do not agree with.

9) Explosive anger: APD and liberalism. Just say "abortion is murder" or "welfare mother." See what happens.

10) Persistant irritability: APD and liberals. Aren't the libs always looking for an enemy? Big oil, big pharma, etc.

This is the tip of the iceberg.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cell phones and cancer, is there a link? No! Duh!

Writing for one of my favorite blogs, Science-Based Medicine, is Dr. David Gorski. Let me give you some of Dr. Gorski's creds and then I'll discuss why believing that Cell phones causing cancer is about as likely as Nancy Pelosi saying "No thanks, I don't believe in Botox and plastic augmentation."
Dr. Gorski
"David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, FACS is a surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute specializing in breast cancer surgery, where he also serves as the American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer Liaison Physician as well as an Associate Professor of Surgery and member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology at Wayne State University."

Dr. Gorski has one credential that caught my eye. As you may or may not know I loathe alternative medicine ("alt-universe") in terms of their pseudoscientific views on the trappings of illnesses, treatments and how the body functions. They take these troglodytic views and spew them as fact. The public believes them because they have initials after their last names and because they (the public) believe that all of medicine is in some sort of secret society (complete with rings and a secret handshake) that wants only money and will not tell them (the public) the 'truth' on simple treatments. Ask some of the women that have used alternative therapy for their breast cancer...oh wait you can't! Their dead!

Back to Dr. Gorski. What caught my eye is the absolute disdain the "alt-universe" has for him. They try to impune his credibility with argumentum ad personum, not with fact. When I see that, that tells me they are afraid of him because he can expose them for the snake-oil salesman they are. By the way, I do not agree with everything Dr. Gorski says. I don't have to and I shouldn't because not only am I a physician with my own views and experiences (and yes, I do read the majority of the research that comes out, germane to me) but I am a human being with a brain that functions (ask my wife, she will dispute that fact from time to time). Only sheep follow blindly, ask the Obama voters...But, I digress. Here are some examples of the "alt-universe's" hatred for him (taken from the link above):

1: "You know, I was reading the oracknows site the other night & you know how all the pro-poisoning people are - they have this little skeptics circle or whatnot. "

The author of the above blog has great credentials (snort) and has your best interest at heart. That's why he sells Magnesium with SRT! SRT stands for "sustained release technology." And it's patented, don't ya know! Wow! It must be amazing, it even costs $114.97 (plus S&H) for 4 bottles. Wow! It's got that cool "SRT" moniker and it's expensive. It must be good!
The fact is, you can by a product, over-the-counter, called "SloMag" for about $8-$15…or you can show your idiocy and spend the money for the patented “SRT” Man, if only drug companies were that smart!

2: By far, my most favored scam artists, the "Age of Autism"
There are way too many for me to list or even care to discuss.

Let’s get to the meat and potatoes of this. Cell phones do not cause “brain cancer” There have two MAJOR studies that say they have not and show why they do not. If you want to read the details, click on the title of this heading. The bottom line is that people get brain tumors and people also use cell phones. There has not been an increase in brain tumors in correlation to the increase in cell phone usage. Also, the technology has gotten better in order to pick up smaller tumors. This in no way correlates to cell phones.

Let’s use an example “if I eat carrots then I will dies from something.” Yes, that prima facia statement is true. “If you eat carrots then you will die”, is true because everybody dies. However, when looked more closely, you cannot correlate the eating of carrots to death from “something”. Certain parameters must be set up such as:

1) If you didn’t eat carrots would you still die?

2) If you did eat carrots, what quantity would you have to consume to in order to die?

3) What is that “something”?

4) How long would you have to have consumed carrots in order to doom yourself?

5) What about people who have a known predisposition to death (it’s called life), who do not eat carrots, will they also die?

6) What about randomization?

7) What about mixing carrots and peas? Will that have an inhibitory or synergistic effect? Which peas and carrots, specifically? What quantities? Will someone eat a placebo pea and/or carrot to find out? What is that placebo going to look like? What's it going to taste like? Will the people taking the placebo know they are taking a placebo?.......yada- yada- yada.....

8) Why do people with hair plugs and comb-overs think that it looks natural?

9) Why do women get offended when men stare at their breasts if they are wearing something low cut?

See, you can make anything nonsensical (except #8 and 9, which I really do want an answer to) seem valid. So go on, and use your cell phone and put it up to your head and stick that blutooth in your ear and text while driving, you won’t get “brain cancer”

Well, I won’t say you won’t, but I will say the evidence does not support it and the fact that you text while you drive just shows you’re an idiot. Nothing to do with anything, just “you’re an idiot.”

Thank you, and good night.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chiropractors, thy end is near, hopefully

As all who know me, know that I cannot stand chiropractors and naturalists (Tooth Fairy Science, thanks Dr. Hall!) because they are harming people. They pretend to know as much as physicians, but on the contrary know nothing.
Here's some excerpts from one of my favorite blogs SBM about how the end is near for chiropractors! Hip-Hip-Hooray x 3!

"In the 114 years since chiropractic began, the existence of chiropractic subluxations has never been objectively demonstrated. They have never been shown to cause interference with the nervous system. They have never been shown to cause disease. Critics of chiropractic have been pointing this out for decades, but now chiropractors themselves have come to the same conclusion."

"The chiropractic subluxation is the essential basis of chiropractic theory. A true subluxation is a partial dislocation: chiropractors originally believed bones were actually out of place. When x-rays proved this was not true, they were forced to re-define the chiropractic subluxation as “a complex of functional and/or structural and/or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health.” Yet most chiropractors are still telling patients their spine is out of alignment and they are going to fix it. Early chiropractors believed that 100% of disease was caused by subluxation. Today most chiropractors still claim that subluxations cause interference with the nervous system, leading to suboptimal health and causing disease."

Let us hope and pray that this will be a quick death. Amen.

Why veggie-heads are morons

Let me qualify the title. Some people are vegetaries or vegans because of "personal choice." They don't try to ram it down your throat (just like another subset of our citizens, "we're here, yadda-yadda, get used to it!"), they just go about their daily lives without fanfare.

Now to the nitty-gritty. There are people in this world that think meat is "murder." The majority of those people are pro-abortion. There are those that eat only vegetables because they want to "save the planet." Let's discuss the lunacy of the latter. First, as humans, we are omnivores. In fact, our bodies do not digest vegetables! Understand? No, ok, let's try it this way. When we eat a nice piece of steak or beautiful piece of fish. Our bodies utilize every bit of that meat (or fish). When you eat a fruit or vegetable this is not the case. Our bodies absorb some of the nutrients and expel the rest. There is by far more methane given off by eating veggies and fruits then meat. Also they used to say that cows cause more environmental damage because of the flatulence they give off. Well if don't eat them, we won't be doing our jobs for the environment. So you see, global warming hoaxers are idiots, period. They can't decide which argument they want to stick to.

Also let me dispel another stupid myth. The meat you eat does not stay in your colon, like spackle. It is out in about 11 hours. If you use a colon cleanse, you have not talked to a doctor or you have a lower IQ then the veggie-heads.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Another Black conservative to be railroaded, eventually

Clarence Thomas, Micheal Steele, Condaleezza Rice, Dr Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Alan Keyes, Dr. Walter E. Williams, Dr. I A. Parker, Robert Woodson, Joseph Perkins, Stephen A. Smith, Alfonzo Rachel, Dana White, Bill Cosby, John McWhorter, Frederick Douglass, J.C. Watts...and now introducing Michael Williams.

Pray-tell, what do all the individuals I've listed have in-common? That's right, they are all conservative (to a point), black, and have been shunned by the liberal Black Blackocracy. They have been called "sell-out" , "unlce Tom", "house Niggah", amongst others.

I'd like to introduce you to a conservative star on the rise in the great state of Texas, Mr. Michael Williams.
Mr. Williams is a Texas Railroad Commission member and running for Senate seat currently held by Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Mr. Williams has the support of Jim Demint and other conservatives.
Mr. Williams is black and will be attacked by the left as they think that all blacks should vote for Democrats, regardless of the issues. In fact, the left is keeping a brotha on the proverbial plantation.

You guys in Texas, pay attention.

Oh no they didn't! Ahh, but they did!

Imagine this. You are 21 year old in WWII. You are stationed in Italy. On May 23, 1944, you and your platoon are entrenched in a heavy fire fight against the enemy. The enemy has 3 tanks and 3 machinegun nests. The enemy has dozens of soldiers firing at you. You realize that this is a no-win situation for you and your men. You take the matters into your own hands.

"Van T. Barfoot, crawled to the proximity of 1 machinegun nest and made a direct hit on it with a hand grenade, killing 2 and wounding 3 Germans. He continued along the German defense line to another machinegun emplacement, and with his tommygun killed 2 and captured 3 soldiers. Members of another enemy machinegun crew then abandoned their position and gave themselves up to Sgt. Barfoot. Leaving the prisoners for his support squad to pick up, he proceeded to mop up positions in the immediate area, capturing more prisoners and bringing his total count to 17. Later that day, after he had reorganized his men and consolidated the newly captured ground, the enemy launched a fierce armored counterattack directly at his platoon positions. Securing a bazooka, Sgt. Barfoot took up an exposed position directly in front of 3 advancing Mark VI tanks. From a distance of 75 yards his first shot destroyed the track of the leading tank, effectively disabling it, while the other 2 changed direction toward the flank. As the crew of the disabled tank dismounted, Sgt. Barfoot killed 3 of them with his tommygun.

He continued onward into enemy terrain and destroyed a recently abandoned German fieldpiece with a demolition charge placed in the breech. While returning to his platoon position, Sgt. Barfoot, though greatly fatigued by his Herculean efforts, assisted 2 of his seriously wounded men 1,700 yards to a position of safety.

Van T. Barfoot, received the Medal of Honor for his heroic action.
But wait, there's more. Not only did Col. Barfoot fight in WWII, he fought in Korea and Vietnam. He also received the Purple Heart (those who have been wounded or killed while serving).

So what's the problem? Well apparently this 90 year old hero wasn't allowed to raise his American flag on the his flag pole. This is according to the Home Oweners Association of Sussex Square in VA. They even threaten to take legal action and hired a law firm. Since Mark Levin took it upon himself to expose this, the HOA reversed direction and allowed him to do this. Even two lib senator got into the action. Sen Mark "duh" Warner and Sen Jim "mellonhead" Webb got behind this hero.

My question is, did it have to really go this far? Seriously, an exception couldn't be made? Of course it could, that's why these HOA cowards dropped this.

Props to Sen Warner and Sen Webb.

Tip O the hat to : The Millstone Diaries and of course, the "Great One" Mark Levin

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When doing your job means you are the enemy

What is a Navy Seal? How does one become a Navy Seal?
The Navy Seal stands for Navy SEa, Air, and Land forces. They are not a special unit, they are an elite unit. Meaning they are the elites of the special units. They are the best of the best of the best. The training required is more mentally intense and physically brutal than any other training in the world. These men and women go into a situation that they may not come out of. Like many of our brave soldiers, they do this on a voluntary basis. In a usual class only about 20-30% make it through. The rest wash-out. If any other industry had those numbers, the industry would either come under intense scrutiny or go out of buisniess. The Seals do a job (10-11 man team) that the entire millitary may have to do. They do it in all conditions and they are good!
So there is no argument about who is the best. This is a trueism. Now let's talk about what is going on:
On 9/3/09 a Seal Team (3 men) captured a piece of shit named Ahmed Hashim Abed (Code name Operation Amber). Who is this guy? Well, in 2004, in Fallujah, 4 private security agents for Blackwater who were delivering things for a catering even were ambushed. They were killed, their bodies trashed through the streets, mutilated, burned and then hung from a bridge,.
This is the picture:

As you can see, these citizens are trying to get them down, and screaming in outrage...No? Your right, you can see one of these people hitting the body with a shoe. The shoe, in their twisted world is a big offense.

Anyway. When the Seals caputered this guy, they "roughed" him up. They gave him a bloody lip and punched him in the stomach. When they got back, a parade was thrown for them. No, you would think so. Were they awarded metals? Not a chance. A pay raise? Try again. Not even an "atta boy!" In fact Matthew McCabe, Jonathan Keefe and Julio Huertas are facing a January court martial for prisoner abuse (or making false statements to conceal it). The man that made this desicion is Adm. Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations.
When this is going on, you cannot expect our brave men and women to fight to their fullest. This is the political correctness gone wild. This is from the same administration that releases terrorists, gives terrorists civilian trials, and borders on sedition. Our brave men and women are dodging bullets from enemies from without and proverbial bullets from enemies from within.

By the way, do you know that the US attorney General, Eric Holder, was a senior partner in a law firm called "Covington and Burling, LLP" So, who cares? Well, this law firm happens to represent 17 Yemeni and 1 Pakistani Gitmo prisoners.

I digress, I think we need to send a message of support to these brave heroes and contempt to those that would vilify and persecute (and prosecute) said heroes.
There's a petition by Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN) to Adm. Gary Roughead, who can actually stop this insanity.

ObamaCare + EPA = Cap and Trade

XXX-education, spit or swallow

Just when you think the psychiatric disease known as "liberalism" can't get any worse, buckle your proverbial seat belts:

"GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, founded by Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings) conference on March 25, 2000 Conference.
Here is the full exchange:

Male Teacher: … Spit versus swallowing – I don’t know about the calorie count of cum. All right. Is it rude? Let’s ask this question: Is it rude not to swallow?

Students: No! Oh, no! [Many "no's" from the children.]

Male Teacher: No. So it’s in good bedroom etiquette … [unclear] to spit out?

You just heard a public employee ask 14-year-olds if it was rude to spit rather than swallow during oral sex. Kevin Jennings who ran GLSEN is now Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar."

That's right folks, there's even an audio clip, here.

This is a conversation most adults don't have, these are the sick bastards teaching our kids?

If you think this is an isolated incident, you are dead wrong. Click here.

FYI from Dr. G: Each teaspoon of ejaculate has about 7 calories....your welcome

Hat Tip: iowntheworld

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Shakira, Oxford and the moron factor

I was reading Art Laffer, Milton Friedman, Adam Smith, Ben Stein, Frederick von Hayek and I found they all had something in common....wait for it.........they all quoted that geopolitical intellect, a world renowned leader in comprehension of military strategy and of course that educational giant....that's right, I speak of Shakira. I mean, I wake up and pray to The Almighty for allowing me to be born at this time in history with which I share with Shakira. This is what she said. Please have a box of tissues nearby:

Grammy-winning musician Shakira took the stage in England on Monday – but not to sing. In a speech at Oxford University, she put out a call for universal access to education as a tool for world peace. "That is how I want the youth of 2060 to see us: That our mission for global peace consisted of sending 30,000 educators to Afghanistan, not 30,000 soldiers," said Shakira, who was invited by the Oxford Student Union. "That in 2010, world education became more important than world domination.

It's offical, Harry Reid is now dumber that broccoli!

Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), the majority leader (a very powerful position) is now officially dumber than a vegetable. Things that are smarter than Reid, include; vegetables, pocket lint, a used tampon, Lindsay Lohan, Drew Barrymore, and lawyers. In fact, I think he is the only person in recorder history to be fully functional, while being in a persistent vegetative state.

Now, let's discuss what's going on. So vegetable-boy said:
"Instead of joining us on the right side of history, all the Republicans can come up with is, 'slow down, stop everything, let's start over.' If you think you've heard these same excuses before, you're right," Reid said Monday. "When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said 'slow down, it's too early, things aren't bad enough.'

I see. So, Republicans are the ones that wanted slavery. Gotcha. If by "Republicans" he meant "democrats" then he's right.

Let's talk history. In the interest of brevity and frankly, I don't want to type that much, I'll only give you some "pearls."

Start with this premise. The Republican party was formed in 1854 because they (the people that believed slavery was wrong, the Whigs) wanted their voice to be heard and wanted to distance themselves from the democrats. Horace Greely actually coined the term "Republican."
Liberal brutallity has always been at the forefront of debates. In, I think 1857, during the Philidelphia convention, two Democrat senators Brooks and Keitt attacked, with a cane, Republican Charles Sumner, after Sumner delivered a beautiful anti-slavery speech.

The KKK was formed by the democrat party in 1866. Most of the heads of the KKK were members of the Confederate Army (most of the south was democrat). The reason they were formed is because many blacks were starting to get into power and those people were Republicans, so called "Radical Republicans."

The majority of famous civil rights violations were under the watchful eye of democrats. Republicans, for the most part, tried to stop slavery and segregation. Let's take a little trip through the looking-glass at some history.

1) MLK-Republican

2) Abraham Lincoln- Republican, emancipation proclamation, and others

3) Hiram Revels- Republican, 1st Black U.S. Senator, 1870, Mississippi

P. B. S. Pinchback - Republican, 1st Black Governor, Louisiana

5) Joseph Rainey- Republican, 1st Black member of the House of Representatives, 1870, South Carolina

6) Edward Park Duplex- Republican, 1st black Mayor, Wheatland, California, 1888

7) Bull Connor- Democrat, Public safety commissioner, Burmingham, Alabama, liked to use water hoses and dogs against civil rights protesters. Link

8) George Wallace - democrat Governor of Alabama, pro-segregationist, gave the famous "stand in the doorway speech"

Senator Robert Byrd (still active)- Democrat, West Virginia, former Grand Kleagle of the KKK. In fact, as late as 200q he made this statement:
"My old mom told me, 'Robert, you can't go to heaven if you hate anybody.' We practice that. There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much." he did later appologize. Can you imagine if Rush or Reagan said that?!

10) Albert Gore Sr. (the apple doesn't fall far from the nut tree)- Democrat, voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Those are off the top of my head. If you look at the first democrats who are black, you don't have to go very far. 1960's are most of them started becoming prominent. Usually they were hardcore socialists. There are many other "black firsts" that were conservative, republican, or under a republican administrations. They, however, are called "uncle toms" and "sell-outs" by the left. In fact, earlier this year in Kinston, NC, a 2/3 black town decided that they did not want they're candidates to have a political affiliation. Meaning, on the ballot, you would not see "John Doe, republican." Instead you would see "John Doe". The Holder department of Justice Overruled them and said, can't do that. The reason was because "Removing the partisan cue in municipal elections will, in all likelihood, eliminate the single factor that allows black candidates to be elected to office." In other words, if there's no "democrat" by the name, blacks are too stupid to vote for the person on their stances on issues. This is the same Eric Holder who had a big role in the release of FALN Puerto Rican separatists terrorists and is bringing KSM to NY for trial.
In any case, the media and the libs have done an excellent job in convincing morons that the republican party is the party that has been against civil rights, while all along it has the democrats. Don't take my word for it, read some history.

So when these libs go around saying things such as vegetable-boy said, they are really projecting their views on to us. In psychiatry that's called an immature self-defense mechanism.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The next frontier

"Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo, slung beneath White Knight Two, the twin-fuselage mothership that will carry SpaceShipTwo to launch altitude. Richard Branson unveiled his Virgin Galactic spaceliner for tourists willing to pay 200,000 dollars a ticket Monday for a trip into the weightlessness of space in a craft designed to make the perilous return home."

Sarah Palin at the Gridiron dinner

This has been transcribed from the title link (from Dr. Jack Wheeler):
[The Gridiron Club, founded in 1865, is the oldest and most prestigious journalist organization in Washington DC. The annual Gridiron Dinner is attended by the media elite, at which the president is traditionally the speaker. This year, President Zero was the first president to refuse to address The Gridiron Dinner since Grover Cleveland.]
[Last night, Saturday December 5th, the black tie dinner at the ballroom of the Renaissance Hotel had double the attendance of recent years - for instead of Zero, the speaker was Sarah Palin. The tradition of the dinner is that the speaker pokes fun at himself and the attendees. Sarah was such a hit there were dozens of the most liberal elite journalists in America laughing their heads off, many wiping tears of laughter from their eyes. Here's her speech. It is as clever as it is funny.]

If anyone needs a translation or why the jokes were hysterical, hit me up.

"Good evening. It's great to be in Washington. I am loving the weather [it was snowing]. I braved the elements and went out for a jog! Or, as Newsweek calls it, a cover-shoot. I feel so at home here in DC. I can see the Russian Embassy from my hotel room!

It's a privilege to be here tonight at the Washington DC Barnes & Noble. Tonight, I'll be reading excerpts from my new book. Perhaps you've heard of it? "Going Rogue."

Yukon wasn't sure if I'd go with that title and somebody suggested I follow the East Coast self-help trend and go with, "How To Look Like A Million Bucks...For Only 150 Grand."

Todd liked, "The Audacity of North Slope." [She nods to him as he's at the head table]

Hey, I considered not having a title at all. I've said it before, but you Beltway types just don't seem to get it. You don't need a title to make an impact. But anyway, let's get started.

I'll begin my first reading on Page 209.

It was pitch black when we touched down in Arizona late on August 27, 2008. The next morning we drove to John McCain's ranch in Sedona. John was waiting on the porch. Before he can say a word, I tell him, I'm quoting now,

"I know why I'm here, and I'm ready. But, I'm worried. The cost of credit protection for the largest U.S. banks is rising precipitously. Have you given any thought to the run on the entities in the parallel banking system? Do you realize the vulnerability created when these institutions borrow short term in liquid markets to invest long term in illiquid assets?"

John said, "you betcha!" I thought, "you betcha?" Who talks that way?

Well, sometimes you just have to trust your instincts. When you don't, you end up in places like this. Who would have guessed that I'd be palling around with this group? At least now I can put a face to all the newspapers I do read.

It is good to be here and in front of this audience of leading journalists and intellectuals. Or, as I call it, a death panel.

To be honest, I had some serious reservations about coming to visit your cozy little club. The Gridiron still hasn't offered membership to anyone from my hometown paper in Wasilla, the Matanuska-Susitna Valley Frontiersman. And my dad thought it was just a plain bad idea to leave the book tour for some football game.

He might have a point! [She waves to her parents at a table at the back of the room] Hi, Dad! Hi, Mom! They crashed the party, you know.

I've been touring this great, great land of ours over the last few weeks. I have to say, the view is much better from inside the bus, than under it!

But really, I am thrilled to be with you. And I'd like to thank the Gridiron for the invitation and Dick Cooper for his introduction.

To paraphrase John F. Kennedy, this has to be the most extraordinary collection of people who have gathered to viciously attack me since the last corporate gathering at CBS.

Despite what you have read, or more likely, despite what you have written, I do feel a real bond with all of you. I studied journalism, earned a communications degree and for a time only wanted to be a journalist. I was even a television sportscaster back home.

I'm guessing some of you probably got your start the exact same way... once there was television.

Let me get back to the book.

I know that many of you are still upset because I wouldn't play that silly Washington game. You know, the one where all of you read a book in its entirety, from the first page of the index to the last.

But think about it, because you actually had to read the whole book in the vain hope of finding your name, you now know all about Denali, mom, dad, ungulate eyeballs, slaying salmon on the Nushagak and Ugashik near Alegnigak, where we make agootak and moose chili!

You're welcome.

Still, I want to do something very special for this audience of Washington elite. So, I'll read from the index--which I chose not to include in the hardback. Would you believe me if I said I didn't include it because we wanted to save trees?

Under A we have...

Alaska, media not understanding. Pages 1-432.

Under B...

Biased media. Pages 1-432

And under C...

Conservative media. See acknowledgments.

I'll stop there.

I know this can be a long night, and as I understand it, we're going to break with a Gridiron tradition. Normally, the Democrat speaker would deliver a speech after me. But instead, John McCain's campaign staff asked if they could use that time for a rebuttal.

A lot has been made of a few campaign relationships. The closeness. The warm fuzzy feelings. John and I both agree all those staffers should just move past it. It's history.

Let's just say, if I ever need a bald campaign manager, it appears all I'm left with is James Carville.

I don't want to say that I've burned a bridge, but I know all about canceling a bridge to nowhere.

That Democrat speaker I referred to is, of course, the one-and-only Barney Frank.

And I'm the controversial one?

Barney, the nation owes you and the government a debt. A huge, historic, unbelievable debt.

But, it's good to be here with you, Mr. Chairman.

Because by Chairman, I don't just mean the House Financial Services Committee. As far as I can tell, Barney's also the Chair of AIG, CITI, and the Bank of America.

I don't want to say that the U.S. Government is taking over the role of the private sector, but I have to admit, on the flight here, thumbing through a magazine and looking at a photo of President Obama with the President of China, the person next to me pointed at it and said, "Hu's a communist."

I thought they were asking a question.

Still, when I see this administration in action, I can't help think of what might have been.

I could be the Vice President overseeing the signing of bailout checks. And Joe Biden would be on the road, selling his new book, "Going Rogaine."

Speaking of books.... Did I mention mine? "Going Rogue" Makes a great stocking stuffer. Available now at a bookstore near you. Hey, I have to pay for my campaign vetting bill somehow.

Really, the response has been great. So I'll close by reading a final passage.

Page 403:

...I've been asked a lot lately, "Where are you going next?'

Good question!

Wherever I go I know that, as with anyone in the public eye, I'll continue to have my share of disagreements with those in the media. Maybe even more than my share. It will come as no surprise that I don't think I was always treated fairly, or equally.

But despite that, I respect the media very much. It's important. A free press allows for vigorous debate! And that debate is absolutely vital for our democracy. So as hard as it can sometimes be, we must all look past personal grievances.

We must move beyond petty politics. And we must allow these incredibly talented and hard-working women and men to ask the hard questions and hold us, and our government, accountable. Because their mission is as true as the sun rising over the Talkeetna and Susitna Mountains....

Okay - so none of that is actually in the book. Not a word.

But I do believe it! And I believe we live in a beautiful country blessed with so many different people who want the best for their children, families and for our great nation. I'm so proud to be an American.

And that is what I'll be talking about when I travel to where I'm headed.

No better place than here to announce where I'm going. I'm going to Iowa!

I'll be there tomorrow from noon to 3:00 pm at the Barnes & Noble on Sergeant Road in Sioux City. Come early. Long lines are expected.

Thank you everyone. God Bless the U.S.A!"

***A big Tip-o-the-hat to the lovely Pamela at Atlasshrugs

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Another nut kills, and all is quiet because of his religion

If you read this story, you won't see the name of the suspect. Well, it's Abdulsalam al-Zahrani who is a Sauidi national.
He killed his professor, (Prof. Emeritus) Richard T. Antoun who happened to be teaching "comparative religion, Islamic law and ethics and the sociology of dispute with respect to tribal law in the middle east."
Dr. Antoun also wrote a book on the subject

Hmmm, coincidence? Doubtful. This seems to be a pattern. From the account that his roommates give, he was not stable. He came after his roommate with a knife and was threatening, period. I wonder why this was not reported or checked out? Probably for the same reason why the Fort Hood killer was never investigated, that's right, political correctness.

On the other hand, he may have been a fucking nut case (the story was written to give cover so as not to blame the religion of piece).

Supermodels should be seen and not heard

So, everyone knows (a least us guys) knows who Joanna Krupa is, if not, here are some examples:

Basically all boobs and no brains. Generally, I do not consider this a bad combo, however, in this case I wish she would STFU. Even if this means she would be fully clothed (sniff, sniff).

Ok here's the deal. As you can see, this MENSA member is doing another brilliant PETA "I'd rather go naked...blah, blah, blah" advert. Fine. Here's my problem. This is what the aforementioned rocket scientist said:
"I'm doing what the Catholic Church should be doing," she responded in a statement, "working to stop senseless suffering of animals, the most defenseless of God's creation."

Where do I start? First, what the fuck is she talking about? She is doing what the church should be doing? Pardon? What should they be doing? Stripping? Using the the Crucifix as a prop? I don't think so, moron! The so called "senseless" suffering of animals, according to PETA, is eating and wearing and testing on animals. Well, if she's gonna go the religious route, shouldn't she know that animals are used as food, sacrifice, money and clothing in the bible? Next, do you think the church is more worried about the true most defenseless of the The Almighty's creations, unborn children? I dunno, maybe it's just me. I think that the church (as most religions) are more concerned about aborting humans than if we're using a monkey to see if a medication works for humans. Of course, if you look at the whos-who of peta naked adverts, none are particularly brilliant or even convincing. In fact take a look here.
Also peta actually kills animals in their possession.

"Since 1998, PETA has opted to “put down” 21,339 adoptable dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens instead of finding homes for them.

PETA’s “Animal Record” report for 2008, filed with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, shows that the animal rights group killed 95 percent of the dogs and cats in its care last year. During all of 2008, PETA found adoptive homes for just seven pets.

Just seven animals -- out of the 2,216 it took in. "

I think that they, as all libs, are hypocrites that care about control and nothing else.

If you trully want to help animals, adopt, spay, neuter (or not) and donate to a true friend of the animals, ASPCA or your local animal shelter.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The deafening silence, the MSM refusal to tag the cop-killer a muslim terrorist

Ok. You are all aware of the cold-blooded murder of four of Lakewood, WA finest.

They were murdered by this "man":

His name was Maurice Clemmons, 37. I say was, because he was shot and killed by another cop after being on the run. This animal had a long criminal history and even had his sentence commuted by then Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee (never a big fan of his). You can read all the details here.
The interesting thing that the media overlooks, is that this guy was, apparently, a member of the Nation of Islam (NoI).
In case you are not aware, NoI is not a "real" religion, kind of like kwanzaa is not really a holiday. NoI was started by a guy named Wallace Dodd fard in 1930's. The first recruit was a highschool dropout and two-time looser named, Elijah Poole. He later became known as Elijah Muhammad. This name should be vaguely familiar as he is constantly quoted by another looser, Louis Farrakhan, a former calypso singer. Read the entire history and hatred for jews and whites, right here.

Anyway, the media is silent on calling him a terrorist and of course, are circling the waggons against another muslim terrorist, Nidal Malik Hassan (Fort Hood Masacre), who by the way is paralyzed from the chest down. This is great. I hope he lives a very long, long life as a quad.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A terrorist attacks a cop in Israel

This is a Youtube video of a female terrorist actually stabbing a cop. This was after the officers found a knife in her purse. I wonder what happened to her?

Clearly, this is for educational purposes

Enjoy the fruits of The Almighty...
I like melons, myself.

Liberal on Black crime

So, when Planned Parenthood was founded, it's mission was to_______.
However,if you actually know anything about history, you would know that the founder, Margaret Sanger was a defendant of immigrants, black people, and the mentally ill...Wait, what do you mean "Hell-to-the-nizzay!" You mean these quotes that follow this sentence are from her own mouth and shows her true intention when opening a state-funded butcher shop?

1) On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people.

2) On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.

3) On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)

4) On the rights of the handicapped and mentally ill, and racial minorities:
"More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12

5) On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon

6) On respecting the rights of the mentally ill:
In her "Plan for Peace," Sanger outlined her strategy for eradication of those she deemed "feebleminded." Among the steps included in her evil scheme were immigration restrictions; compulsory sterilization; segregation to a lifetime of farm work; etc. Birth Control Review, April 1932, p. 107

Anyway, point is, the libs don't particularly care about "the little people." What they do care about is their agenda, which as we all know, is about control.

I'm Baaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!

Well folks, a lot has happened since my last post. Here we are in December '09 and so many things have changed. We have a new president, a new unemployment rate, a government takeover of our cars companies, banks, and eventually health care. Global warming has been debunked, I've lost a lot of weight, gained some knowledge, got rid of unwanted dead weight (read: family), and still married.
I will be interviewing at another hospital on Friday, so I won't post too much, if at all. I will be posting more.