Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When doing your job means you are the enemy

What is a Navy Seal? How does one become a Navy Seal?
The Navy Seal stands for Navy SEa, Air, and Land forces. They are not a special unit, they are an elite unit. Meaning they are the elites of the special units. They are the best of the best of the best. The training required is more mentally intense and physically brutal than any other training in the world. These men and women go into a situation that they may not come out of. Like many of our brave soldiers, they do this on a voluntary basis. In a usual class only about 20-30% make it through. The rest wash-out. If any other industry had those numbers, the industry would either come under intense scrutiny or go out of buisniess. The Seals do a job (10-11 man team) that the entire millitary may have to do. They do it in all conditions and they are good!
So there is no argument about who is the best. This is a trueism. Now let's talk about what is going on:
On 9/3/09 a Seal Team (3 men) captured a piece of shit named Ahmed Hashim Abed (Code name Operation Amber). Who is this guy? Well, in 2004, in Fallujah, 4 private security agents for Blackwater who were delivering things for a catering even were ambushed. They were killed, their bodies trashed through the streets, mutilated, burned and then hung from a bridge,.
This is the picture:

As you can see, these citizens are trying to get them down, and screaming in outrage...No? Your right, you can see one of these people hitting the body with a shoe. The shoe, in their twisted world is a big offense.

Anyway. When the Seals caputered this guy, they "roughed" him up. They gave him a bloody lip and punched him in the stomach. When they got back, a parade was thrown for them. No, you would think so. Were they awarded metals? Not a chance. A pay raise? Try again. Not even an "atta boy!" In fact Matthew McCabe, Jonathan Keefe and Julio Huertas are facing a January court martial for prisoner abuse (or making false statements to conceal it). The man that made this desicion is Adm. Gary Roughead, Chief of Naval Operations.
When this is going on, you cannot expect our brave men and women to fight to their fullest. This is the political correctness gone wild. This is from the same administration that releases terrorists, gives terrorists civilian trials, and borders on sedition. Our brave men and women are dodging bullets from enemies from without and proverbial bullets from enemies from within.

By the way, do you know that the US attorney General, Eric Holder, was a senior partner in a law firm called "Covington and Burling, LLP" So, who cares? Well, this law firm happens to represent 17 Yemeni and 1 Pakistani Gitmo prisoners.

I digress, I think we need to send a message of support to these brave heroes and contempt to those that would vilify and persecute (and prosecute) said heroes.
There's a petition by Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN) to Adm. Gary Roughead, who can actually stop this insanity.

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