Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Shakira, Oxford and the moron factor

I was reading Art Laffer, Milton Friedman, Adam Smith, Ben Stein, Frederick von Hayek and I found they all had something in common....wait for it.........they all quoted that geopolitical intellect, a world renowned leader in comprehension of military strategy and of course that educational giant....that's right, I speak of Shakira. I mean, I wake up and pray to The Almighty for allowing me to be born at this time in history with which I share with Shakira. This is what she said. Please have a box of tissues nearby:

Grammy-winning musician Shakira took the stage in England on Monday – but not to sing. In a speech at Oxford University, she put out a call for universal access to education as a tool for world peace. "That is how I want the youth of 2060 to see us: That our mission for global peace consisted of sending 30,000 educators to Afghanistan, not 30,000 soldiers," said Shakira, who was invited by the Oxford Student Union. "That in 2010, world education became more important than world domination.

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