Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why veggie-heads are morons

Let me qualify the title. Some people are vegetaries or vegans because of "personal choice." They don't try to ram it down your throat (just like another subset of our citizens, "we're here, yadda-yadda, get used to it!"), they just go about their daily lives without fanfare.

Now to the nitty-gritty. There are people in this world that think meat is "murder." The majority of those people are pro-abortion. There are those that eat only vegetables because they want to "save the planet." Let's discuss the lunacy of the latter. First, as humans, we are omnivores. In fact, our bodies do not digest vegetables! Understand? No, ok, let's try it this way. When we eat a nice piece of steak or beautiful piece of fish. Our bodies utilize every bit of that meat (or fish). When you eat a fruit or vegetable this is not the case. Our bodies absorb some of the nutrients and expel the rest. There is by far more methane given off by eating veggies and fruits then meat. Also they used to say that cows cause more environmental damage because of the flatulence they give off. Well if don't eat them, we won't be doing our jobs for the environment. So you see, global warming hoaxers are idiots, period. They can't decide which argument they want to stick to.

Also let me dispel another stupid myth. The meat you eat does not stay in your colon, like spackle. It is out in about 11 hours. If you use a colon cleanse, you have not talked to a doctor or you have a lower IQ then the veggie-heads.

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