Thursday, December 10, 2009

Another Black conservative to be railroaded, eventually

Clarence Thomas, Micheal Steele, Condaleezza Rice, Dr Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Alan Keyes, Dr. Walter E. Williams, Dr. I A. Parker, Robert Woodson, Joseph Perkins, Stephen A. Smith, Alfonzo Rachel, Dana White, Bill Cosby, John McWhorter, Frederick Douglass, J.C. Watts...and now introducing Michael Williams.

Pray-tell, what do all the individuals I've listed have in-common? That's right, they are all conservative (to a point), black, and have been shunned by the liberal Black Blackocracy. They have been called "sell-out" , "unlce Tom", "house Niggah", amongst others.

I'd like to introduce you to a conservative star on the rise in the great state of Texas, Mr. Michael Williams.
Mr. Williams is a Texas Railroad Commission member and running for Senate seat currently held by Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Mr. Williams has the support of Jim Demint and other conservatives.
Mr. Williams is black and will be attacked by the left as they think that all blacks should vote for Democrats, regardless of the issues. In fact, the left is keeping a brotha on the proverbial plantation.

You guys in Texas, pay attention.

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