Thursday, October 2, 2008

Obama, Oprah and those tricky devils

So this is a two parter, please hang in there.  Obama on June 28, 2008 in DC  remarked ".. You know the people like the couple I met in Las Vegas who were tricked into buying a house they couldn’t afford and are at risk of facing foreclosure…"
Now, Oprah's mom claims the store bamboozled her into giving her the credit and she shouldn't have to pay for it.

So, we have people, liberals, making claims that it's not their fault that they can't pay for things.  They were tricked, they say.  They were bamboozled.  They were hoodwinked.  They were lead by the nose.  They were lead astray.  They were duped.  It's the same thing with this bailout.  People made stupid mistakes and now they want someone else to pay for it....Does this sound familiar at all? Hmmm?

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