Thursday, October 2, 2008

With libs it's about sex and race and how they can race to get more sex!

This "story" was written by Sarah "not very" Bright. Before I give you the story, I would like to take a moment to give you some insight into Ms. Brights work. There are such riveting articles as: Is It Legal Porn or Illegal Porn?Beyond the ‘Zipless Fuck’. Don't forget Pulitzer material such as Deep Throat, Big Brain — Sex Blogger Chelsea Girl, and The Prince of Gonzo Porn.
Now that you know her work, she has a piece out entitled: Why Sarah’s Sex Life Matters...
The top two reason (the only two reasons she gives) are:

#1. Sexual politics is important. It matters.

#2. Palin has made priggery, prudery and sexual hypocrisy a centerpiece of her law enforcement and public policy directives, as both the mayor of the beautiful Wasilla, Alaska, and the governor of the state.

Yup and other brilliant insight such as
"She ran on a sex-is-icky platform."
"And then Mayor Palin cut funding for rape test kits. It's like, "If you want to complain about being raped, sweetheart, well, you can just get out your checkbook."--by the way this is 'like' a flat out lie

Anyway, you can read the entire piece of crap on your own time.
Thanks to Little Green Footballs (hit up their link)

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