Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama, "kill 'em all!"

Hussein hates babies:

Link: Obama infant

Barney the dinosaur

Barney Frank, D-MA

'There should be tax increases, the rich have enough money'

Redistribution of wealth aka socialism

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sarah on SNL

I love the entire skit and Mark W looking for Samberg to knock him out!


Just in case you missed the next Veep on SNL

Friday, October 17, 2008

Lib nut physically attacking a conservative woman..

This from PajamaMedia:

Here's a lib MALE physically attacking a conservative WOMAN...Can you imagine the opposite?

This is typical for libs...bunch of violent mofo's

Tom Brokaw, excuses, excuse, excuses

This from The women on the web:
There was a q&a worth Tom Brokaw and this was asked:

From Bella Mia: Why do you think there have been so many press scandals like the Jason Blair scandal at The New York Times, and the Dan Rather scandal? Could you comment on this issue?
Tom Brokaw: Journalism is not physics. It’s subject to the same human frailties as any other endeavor

Um, yeah, like lying, making up stories...Remember that journalists put themselves beyond reproach and yet they wanted to be treated fairly when they blatantly lie? Ya can't have it both ways schmucks!

Ed 'cry baby' Schultz gets owned on Fox

This is Ed Schultz, liberal cry-baby


The Washington Post endorses, OBAMA! I can't believe it!

This was exactly like medical school!!!

Crimson Tide, Hackman


Braveheart, Gibson

The master, Pacino, Any Given Sunday

Henry V, St. Crispen's Day Speech

Another great, inspirational speech:


I love this movie. Here's THE speech:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Start 'em early

This from the SunTimes:
"MADISON, Wis. — The Racine school district’s use of an eighth grade textbook that includes a chapter on Democrat Barack Obama but nothing on his opponent John McCain is unfair and troubling, the Wisconsin Republican Party argued Thursday.
A parent complained on an Internet blog about the textbook that includes a chapter on Obama called ‘‘Dreams from My Father.’’
The school district said in a statement that it has received no complaints about the book, which it first used last school year. Even so, the 21,000-student district said it was reviewing its policies regarding the book’s use in a literature class"

Nah, no indoctrination.

Sure, why not?

This from KIrotv (Seattle, cough):
An exclusive KIRO Team 7 Investigation discovers the state will send ballots to thousands of convicted felons in the next week, even though many can't legally vote.
The Secretary of State’s Office fired up a new multimillion-dollar computer in 2006. Its job was to catch, and then cancel, illegal voters.

Why stop there, I think we should illegals vote and also we should let other countries vote as well. Sure send out a ballot to Iran as well. THIS COULD BE GLOBAL AND OSAMA CAN BE OUR SUPREME LEADER!!!! YAY!!!

I don't know Joe the plumber but he's lying!

As reported on Drudge:

Biden takes on Joe the plumber. Without using so many words, he calls Joe the plumber a liar

Check out the new poll

New poll from Realclearpolitics.com by way of Drudge:


This from FoxNews:
"Prosecutors say a homeless man told them he killed a New York City college student because he was bored and had nowhere to go.
The murderer said "I was bored, so I decided to go back into the apartment and kill him."

Can you see an insanity defense?
Can you see the people coming out and blaming everyone else but the murderer?

New McCain ad

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'll take a vente peppermint please.

This from divinecaroline:
The Right Scents: Smells for Sleep (and Waking Up)

Two good ones for sleep:
Lavender and Jasmine

My favorite is listening to NPR. Cures my insomnia quickly.

Two good ones for alertness:
Peppermint and Lemon

I like a triple espresso on ice with Splenda, myself.

Limbaugh-Palin Interview

The Great Rush Limbaugh interviews Gov. Palin
Read the transcript here.

Murtha, another case of foot-in-mouth disease

This from Breitbart:
The 17-term Democratic congressman tells the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in a story posted Wednesday on its Web site that, as he put it: "There is no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area."

You remember John Murtha?
Well, let me refresh your memory:
May 18th, 2006 on Hardball with Chris Matthews:
CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Let me ask you Mr. Murtha to give us some details about that. Draw us a picture of what happened at Haditha.
REP. JOHN “JACK” MURTHA: Well, I’ll tell you exactly what happened. One Marine was killed and the Marines just said we’re going to take care – we don’t know who the enemy is, the pressure was too much on them, so they went into houses and they actually killed civilians. And, and –
MATTHEWS:—was this My Lai? Was this a case of – when you say cold blood Congressman, a lot of people think you’re basically saying you got some civilians sitting in a room around a field and they’re executed.
MURTHA: That’s exactly it.

This is especially disgusting since Murtha was himself a Marine.
But as with Rep. Lewis, and all the mute women (on the Palin issue), they put party first.

Did Ayers write Obama's book?


This is actually is not a new theory as brilliantly explained by Jack Cashill.

Fish or Chicken or I don't know

As I was sitting in my car waiting to be next in-line in the drive through at my local fast food joint, the guy in front of me didn't really know what he wanted. This brought me to consider how much this parallels life. Follow me on this.
Here you are, starving. You know what you want, you can taste it, you made up your mind. All you have to do is place the order, pay, get your food and eat. You drive up and there's a line of cars in front of you. You wait, you're finally one car behind and what do you get? Some schmuck who couldn't make up his mind! They had all this time to figure out what they wanted, but no, they were messing around with everything else as though in denial that their turn will come! They are undecided AND they hinder you from enjoying a delicious, hot beef carcass!

Now, take this election. These "undecided" voters are hindering me from enjoying my proverbial meal. It's not just me they're hindering, it's the people behind me in the drive-through, the other people who know what they want.

In my humble opinion, the undecided are not really "undecided", but rather spineless. It's the easiest thing in the world to play it safe, down the middle. It's the simplest thing to do to say "I'm not sure." Put it out of your mind and go on about your life. I think they already have made up their minds but are afraid to speak. Ergo, spineless. My professional, medical advice is this:


Take that Chairman Pelosi

This from the Washington Post:
"Community banking executives around the country responded with anger yesterday to the Bush administration's strategy of investing $250 billion in financial firms, saying they don't need the money, resent the intrusion and feel it's unfair to rescue companies from their own mistakes."

This is the exact reason small banks are not closing down!

But here's more insanity "But regulators said some banks will be pressed to take the taxpayer dollars anyway."

Banks refuse to take the money, government (read as libs) can't claim they actually help the little guy. BECAUSE THE LITTLE GUY CAN HELP HIMSELF, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Pelosi holding us at fine-point

This from the WSJ:
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is mulling recommendations from several economists that Congress act on an economic-recovery package that would cost taxpayers $300 billion, according to congressional aides, equivalent to about 2% of the country's gross domestic product."

This is on top of the $850 Billion plus and $150 Billion that was recommended a few days ago.

WTF is going on? On the other hand the congress approval rating 13%

Wal-Mart is poisoning you!

This from AP:

"Tests on leading brands of bottled water turned up a variety of contaminants often found in tap water, according to a study released Wednesday by an environmental advocacy group...Researchers tested one batch for each of 10 brands. Eight did not have contaminants high enough to warrant further testing. But two brands did, so more tests were done and those revealed chlorine byproducts above California's standard, the group reported. The researchers identified those two brands as Sam's Choice sold by Wal-Mart and Acadia of Giant Food supermarkets."

Does any of this seem familiar to you? Wal-Mart is evil!!!

Sane as a Hatter

This is from the Omaha World Harold:

Judge Marlon Polk threw out Nebraska Sen. Ernie Chambers' lawsuit against the Almighty, saying there was no evidence that the defendant had been served. What's more, Polk found "there can never be service effectuated on the named defendant."
Chambers had sued God in September 2007, seeking a permanent injunction to prevent God from committing acts of violence such as earthquakes and tornadoes."

Yup, you read that right. Just so you know, Chamber's is an egotistical liberal-nut. In 2006 this moron did not support a bill that would have built a new arena because they wouldn't name it after him!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hussein and his continued mistreatment of women

This is from McCain/Palin website:

Barack Obama: All Talk on Equal Pay

"Barack Obama claims he's for equal pay for women, but women working in his Senate office earn an average of $9,000 less than men, while women in John McCain's Senate office earn an average of nearly $2,000 more than men. American women understand that real leadership is about what you do, not just what you say." -- McCain-Palin spokeswoman Crystal Benton

FACT CHECK: Records Show Women Working In Obama's Senate Office Were Paid Average Of $9,000 Less Than Men

According To Senate Records, Women Working In Obama's Senate Office Paid An Average Of $9,000 Less Than Men, As "Obama Pays Women Just 83 Cents For Every Dollar His Men Make." "Obama's commitment to federally mandated pay equity stretches from the Rockies to Wall Street and beyond. And yet it seems to have eluded his Senate office. Compensation figures for his legislative staff reveal that Obama pays women just 83 cents for every dollar his men make." (Deroy Murdock, Op-Ed, "Obama Only Talks Good Game On Gender Pay Equity," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/11/08)

Columnist Deroy Murdock: "In short, these statistics suggest that John McCain is more than fair with his female employees, while Barack Obama -- at the expense of the women who work for him -- quietly perpetuates the very same pay-equity divide that he loudly denounces. Of all people, the Democratic standard bearer should understand that equal pay begins at home." (Deroy Murdock, Op-Ed, "Obama Only Talks Good Game On Gender Pay Equity," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 9/11/08)

FACT CHECK: From October 2007 Through March 2008, Full Time Male Employees In The Senate Office Of Sen. Barack Obama Earned An Average Annual Salary Of $9,226.49 More Per Employee Than Full Time Female Employees:
The Average Annual Salary For Male Employees Employed In The Senate Office Of Sen. Barack Obama Was $54,379.16 compared to $45,152.57 for female employees. (Legistorm Website, www.legistorm.com, Accessed 9/1/08)

Of The Five Highest Paid Obama Staffers, Only One Is Female. (Legistorm Website, www.legistorm.com, Accessed 9/1/08)

Of The 20 Highest Paid Obama Staffers, Only 7 Are Female. (Legistorm Website, www.legistorm.com, Accessed 9/1/08)

FACT CHECK: From October 2007 Through March 2008, Full Time Male Employees In The Senate Office Of Sen. John McCain Earned An Average Annual Salary Of Nearly $1,942.21 Less Per Employee Than Full Time Female Employees:  

The Average Annual Salary For Male Employees Employed In The Senate Office Of Sen. John McCain Was $53,936.15 compared to $55,878.36 for female employees. (Legistorm Website, www.legistorm.com, Accessed 9/1/08)

Of The Five Highest Paid McCain Staffers, Three Are Female. (Legistorm Website, www.legistorm.com, Accessed 9/1/08)

Of The 20 Highest Paid McCain Staffers, 13 Are Female. (Legistorm Website, www.legistorm.com, Accessed 9/1/08)

Shhhh! You'll let the secret out!

This from NRO by the brilliant Thomas Sowell:
"One of the oldest phenomena of American elections — criticism of one’s opponent — has in recent times been stigmatized by much of the media as “negative advertising.”
Is this because the criticism has gotten more vicious or more personal? You might think so, if you were totally ignorant of history, as so many of the graduates of even our elite universities are....Why then is “negative advertising” such a big deal these days? The dirty little secret is this: Liberal candidates have needed to escape their past and pretend that they are not liberals, because so many voters have had it with liberals....In words, Obama is a uniter instead of a divider. In deeds, he has spent years promoting polarization. That is what a “community organizer” does — creating a sense of grievance, envy, and resentment — in order to mobilize political action to get more of the taxpayers’ money or to force banks to lend to people they don’t consider good risks, as the community organizing group ACORN did...That is what he did when he spent the money of the Woods Fund bankrolling programs to spread the politics of grievance and resentment into the schools. That is what he did when he spent the taxpayers’ money bankrolling the grievance and resentment ideology of Michael Pfleger.
When Barack Obama donated $20,000 to Jeremiah Wright, does anyone imagine that he was unaware that Wright was the epitome of grievance, envy, and resentment hype? Or were Wright’s sermons too subtle for Obama to pick up that message?
How subtle is “Goddamn America!”?"

Read it in it's entirety....

More intimidation by libs, what else is new?

This from greenvilleonline.com:
"Damage at Republican Party offices in Greenville and Rock Hill brought allegations of intimidation tactics from the GOP and denunciation from the state's top Democrat.
Vandalism was involved in a weekend incident at York County Republican headquarters.
A late Monday morning incident at the regional campaign office on North Pleasantburg Drive involved the destruction or theft of signs, according to a Greenville police report.
Allen Klump told the investigating officer that a man had hit and pulled several political signs out of the ground outside the office, the report said, and authorities said the officer located the man inside a restaurant in the same complex. Klump is the Upstate director for Victory 2008, the GOP's umbrella campaign.
The man said he pulled the signs because he opposed the war and how it had affected two of his friends, according to the report."

Does this type of attitude seem familiar to you parents with small children? Hmmm? Also, since I am a physician, I am willing to put an actual diagnosis on this guy... "cuckoo"

Pro vs Joe

Now I have to preface this, I don't watch basketball, except And 1...But this pro basketball player, Nets point guard Devin Harris, gets SKOOLED by a hustla!

Original link

Liberals, liars, and box office flops.

This explains Bill Maher and other lunatic libs:

Jesse Jackson, a race baiter, backs Hussein

This from the NY Post:
Rev. Jesse Jackson Said "fundamental changes" in US foreign policy - saying America must "heal wounds" it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the "arrogance of the Bush administration."

and: "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House."

and: On Iran, he strongly supports Obama's idea of opening a direct dialogue with the leadership in Tehran. "We've got to talk to tell them what we want and hear what they want," Jackson says. "Nothing is gained by not talking to others."

Nah, no racial overtones...By the way, jews that vote for Hussein are just as guilty of murder of their jewish brothers by extenstion!

Hussein to give your money to anyone but you!

From Breitbart:

"Senator Obama proposes a tax credit in the form of a check in the mail for mortgage interests, college tuition savings, childcare, clean cars, earned income tax credit to be expanded, a make-work-pay credit. All of these credits will be refundable to those people who don't pay taxes anyway in the form of a check in the mail. 63 million Americans would pay no federal income tax whatsoever, and most of them would get a check in the mail every January."

Yeah, duh! That's what the cons have been saying!

Mexican army wants to annex Arizona?

This from Newsmax:
America’s border czar declared that Mexican troops who held a U.S. Border Patrol agent at gunpoint in August did so after bypassing a barbed-wire fence and other clearly visible barriers on the border.
That contradicts earlier claims by U.S. officials that the soldiers were simply lost.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner W. Ralph Basham sent a letter to the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544 in Tucson, Ariz., describing the Aug. 3 border incident as a "potential lethal encounter involving four Mexican armed military soldiers north of the international boundary.
"There is a barbed-wire fence and new tactical infrastructure within sight that marks the borderline where the incident took place. Our uniformed agent, in a marked Border Patrol vehicle, identified himself in both English and Spanish."

I think they were here to simply take advantage of our free healthcare! It was a simple misunderstanding. On the other hand, maybe they were here to recoup the money that US "stole" from the illegals that stole our money?

Libs are the racially sensitive ones

This is from the stargazette:

But the Obama figure looks like he is running, and the McCain likeness is dressed in the hooded robe of the Ku Klux Klan and is carrying a baseball bat.

Havens is quick to point out he is a liberal and a big supporter of Obama, and that the scene is meant to provoke thought about the way he believes Obama has been unfairly treated by the McCain campaign.

Congressman Lewis, another casualty in a war of racism towards McCain/Palin

On Sunday March 7, 1965, about six hundred people began a fifty-four mile march from Selma, Alabama to the state capitol in Montgomery. They were demonstrating for African American voting rights and to commemorate the death of Jimmie Lee Jackson, shot three weeks earlier by an state trooper while trying to protect his mother at a civil rights demonstration. On the outskirts of Selma, after they crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge, the marchers, in plain sight of photographers and journalists, were brutally assaulted by heavily armed state troopers and deputies.(1)

Why am I bringing this up? Because on October 13th, 2008 Georgia Democrat Congressman John Lewis, who was one of the people beaten on television on that "Bloody Sunday" in 1965, made this sickening, partisan statement:

"As one who was a victim of violence and hate during the height of the Civil Rights Movement, I am deeply disturbed by the negative tone of the McCain-Palin campaign," Lewis said in a statement. "Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse.
"During another period, in the not too distant past, there was a
governor of the state of Alabama named George Wallace who also became a presidential candidate. George Wallace never threw a bomb. He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights. Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama.
"As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all. They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy. We can do better. The American people deserve better."

Congressman Lewis is cheapening his name as a civil-rights leader by this insane verbal fire-bomb. To compare McCain-Palin to a man that took away the human rights of people, Democrat George McGovern, is morally corrupt. How can Lewis, insist that McCain/Palin, create a climate where they maybe responsible for the death of innocent people? How can Lewis overlook the fact that Obama and his friends, Ayers and Dorn, actually did bomb and murder and are unrepentant? How can Mr. Lewis overlook Obama's Pastor of 20 years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright? How can Congressman Lewis, a once respected member of the civil rights movement, look at those wounds on his body and soul and still do what he did? The answer is unfortunately simple. Congressman Lewis, by choosing Obama because of his skin color and not of his politics and despite his connections with people that hate this country is himself demonstrating the racist behavior he and Dr. King fought so vehemently to stop. It's a sad, sad state of affairs, not surprising mind you, that party and government first and your soul and country last.

Is this what Dr. King had in mind, Mr. Lewis?

Or perhaps, Dr. King meant this?

Or maybe it was this!

A new slogan

Picture this...Obama in a Starbucks hat, giving you your change and you say
"Nah, you keep the change."


More ACORN fraud

From Tampabay.com:

"Mickey Mouse tried to register to vote in Florida this summer.
Orange County elections officials rejected his application, which was stamped with the logo of the nonprofit group ACORN"


More ACORN fraud

From the NY Post:
"Investigators probing ACORN have learned that an Ohio man registered to vote several times and cast a bogus ballot with a fake address, officials said yesterday, as they revealed that nearly 4,000 registration applications supplied by the left-leaning activist group were suspect."

yet another example...


From Bloomberg:
"U.S. stocks staged the biggest rally in seven decades on a government plan to buy stakes in banks and a Federal Reserve-led push to flood the global financial system with dollars."

936 at the end of the day...Where's Pelosi and Hussein gloating that this was all their doing?

Monday, October 13, 2008

$20 and a pack of smokes gets a lot these days

This from newsnet5.com:
Cuyahoga County is investigating possible wrongdoing with ACORN's voter registration drive.
The Sheriff's Department confirmed the investigation after some intense questioning Monday by the Board of Elections about duplicate registrations, chief investigator Duane Pohlman reported.
Freddie Johnson said he filled out 73 registration cards because he was given cigarettes and about $20.
ACORN representatives said they've been working with the BOE to identify any voter fraud. The organization emphasizes that this is not fraud because there was no vote.

Um, there was no vote, yes. If there was they would have denied it anyway. Semantics.

More ACORN fraud

This from the Spectator:
Between March 23rd and October 1st, various groups, including ACORN, submitted over 252,595 registrations to the Philadelphia County Election Board" with 57, 435 rejected for faulty information. "Most of these registrations were submitted by ACORN, and rejected due to fake social security numbers, incorrect dates of birth, clearly fraudulent signatures, addresses that do not exist, and duplicate registrations. In one case, a man was registered to vote more than 15 times since the Primary election.

It goes on and lists specific cases and counties...


An interesting, if not accurate portrayal of Hussein vs Hitler

We're here, we're queer, now pay for it!!!

From Washington Times:

Elected officials in Chicago made international news last week by proposing to create a public high school for gay, lesbian and transgender students.

The Pride Campus of the School for Social Justice is set to open with 600 students in 2010, and its curriculum promises to "teach the history of all people who have been oppressed and the civil rights movements that have led to social justice and queer studies."

Yet no American journalist covering the presidential race has queried the Chicago-based Sen. Barack Obama about this radical development in education reform: a key issue to which the young senator has committed much of his public life and all of his executive experience.

No, you can't even ask, cause that will make you a homophobe...Well, you get what you pay for I guess...By the way are they going to teach about the Jews being oppressed? Doubt it.

RNC video

Hussein and Ayers, a match made in Chicago.
Original link: LGF

Palosi wants more, again.

This from Reuters:

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said on Monday the ailing U.S. economy needs a second stimulus package.
Flanked by fellow House Democratic leaders, Pelosi brushed aside objections by President George W. Bush and told a Capitol Hill news conference that hearings would be held to determine the size and shape of such a package.
Democrats have discussed a package of about $150 billion with construction projects and aide to states and the poor. A $168 billion stimulus package was enacted into law earlier this year.

So let me just get this straight, cause I'm retarded, you want more money on top of the $850 billion plus? Did I get that right?

It's "OUR" money

Uploaded by luvnews

Well, finally! Obama says what he really wants. "SPREAD THE WEALTH AROUND."
This will not go reported, so forget it.

The scarlet letter

The Letter:

This is the letter that Obama lied about (but I repeat myself) in the second presidential debate..

Sen. John McCain's 2006 demand for regulatory action on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could have prevented current financial crisis, as HUMAN EVENTS learned from the letter shown in full text below.

McCain's letter -- signed by nineteen other senators -- said that it was "...vitally important that Congress take the necessary steps to ensure that [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac]...operate in a safe and sound manner.[and]..More importantly, Congress must ensure that the American taxpayer is protected in the event that either...should fail."

Sen. Obama did not sign the letter, nor did any other Democrat.

This is from Human Events

Classy libs and their big brains revealed

Classy Obama Supporters?
If you can't read what the T-shirt says, it says "Sarah Palin is a CUNT."
This was at the Rangers-Flyers game on saturday. A picture is worth a thousand words.

More Voter Fraud

From Florida's Sun-Sentinal:
"More than 30,000 Florida felons who by law should have been stripped of their right to vote remain registered to cast ballots in this presidential battleground state, a Sun Sentinel investigation has found.
Many are faithful voters, with at least 4,900 turning out in past elections.
Another 5,600 are not likely to vote Nov. 4 — they're still in prison.
Of the felons who registered with a party, Democrats outnumber Republicans more than two to one
"Florida's elections chief, Secretary of State Kurt Browning, acknowledged his staff has failed to remove thousands of ineligible felons because of a shortage of workers and a crush of new registrations in this critical swing state."

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fischer-Abu Price?

So here you are shopping and your daughter picks out this doll...When it talks, it says "Islam is the light"

ETSU hates jews and anti-muslims, maybe

East Tennessee State University: Just rejected me, a Jew, with a very Jewish last name, on the very same day this article came out
"East Tennessee State University celebrates diversity, won't let me speak....Rife was just looking to stir discussion about a subject, Islamic terrorism, which increasingly has come to dominate Americans’ concerns. But a fight – and a lesson in politically correct bullying – is exactly what he got...."
But if you want to know about how diverse their medical residency program is, go here...Coinscidence? I think NOT!!!
Maybe it was cause my grades suck? Dunno

Obama doesn't know much

From Fox:
Barak Obama's Muslim outreach adviser is under fire for meeting with Islamic groups with extremist views, just months after her predecessor resigned for links to a radical cleric...
Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said the campaign would not have sent a representative to the meeting had it known the list of participants.

Isn't it amazing this moron doesn't know anything that goes on!!! He didn't know Ayers is a terrorist, then he said he thought Ayers was reformed! Does this man know anything, really? If he doesn't then he doesn't follow history or current events. If he does, then he's just a liar. Which is it Senator?

Daddy Yankee

Daddy Yankee to moderate a debate:

Tom Brokaw, Jim Lehrer, Gwen Ifill _ and Daddy Yankee? The 31-year-old reggaeton star is taking a turn as moderator of a debate Thursday among candidates for governor of Puerto Rico in an effort to lure young voters to the polls on Nov. 4.

The artist, whose real name is Ramon Ayala, will be one of three moderators at the debate under the slogan "Vota o quedate calla'o" _ "Vote or keep your mouth shut."

I'm sure he'll be branded a traitor or an Uncle Ramon for his views on McCain

Betty White is one crazy b****

I can't help it, she's funny!

Tom Brokaw is a joke even at his own NBC!

This is a funny SNL skit

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ACORN, Fraud, and football

From the Las Vegas Review Journal:
"ACORN's canvassers filled out forms with fake names, addresses, officials say"
"The secretary of state's office launched an investigation after noticing that names did not match addresses and that most members of the Dallas Cowboys appeared to be registering in Nevada to vote in November's general election."

My friends, this is an epidemic. You think the early voting in Ohio is legit? ACORN is a criminal organization, no better than mobsters and common thugs that rip off old ladies for their social security checks. This organization has been indicted for voter freud numerous times. But this is the ONLY way that libs can win, by cheating.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate part II

The only thing I have to say is Tom Brokaw sucks as a moderator!
He kept worrying about his time and that he could ask his own questions...also townhall style debates are made to ask good citizen questions, not Brakaw delivering his talking points questions!!

McCain wants to nationalize home mortgagees!



Get out CRACKER!

As I told you earlier, Jerome Corsi who wrote the FANTASTIC book "Obama Nation, was thrown out of Kenya. But now we have a report from World Net Daily that he got a great send-off....
"Don't ever come back. See you in hell,"


When the US sneezes, the world catches pneumonia:
Iceland on the verge of bankruptcy?

'Dowd'ing Thomas

Speaking of low-blows, how's the husband hunting Maureen?

Mock execution is ok with one principal.

In my adopted home of Texas, this disgusting display took place.
From FoxNews:
Cheerleaders Stage Mock Execution at Pep Rally
Here's the Video

What did the principal say about this?
Nathan Chaddick, called the skit "simple, innocent satire" to boost school spirit.

Why are there such ludicrous extremes?

Here's a story of a 10 year-old boy suspended for having a broken pencil sharpener

We don't respect human life anymore, but we're afraid of what society will label us as. political correctness is destroying this country.

Google to save your drunk ass

This is cool:
Google ass-saver!

Herb and Marion Sandler

This is from sweetness & light.com: This is an SNL skit on the democrats and this bill...it's hysterical..

The video above has been removed, but you may see it in it's entirety here.

As Sweetness points out, the two people, Marion and Herb Sandler, are instrumental in setting the stage for many of the extreme-lefts finances and the Wachovia failure.
Please read here
"Herb and Marion Sandler are the co-founders of Golden West Financial Corp. They sold their S&L holding company to Wachovia in May for $24 billion in cash and stock. In 2004 they gave $13 million to anti-Bush 527s"

This is from an 2004 inteview with the Sandlers by Forbes:
This is Herb Sandler: "We developed a business with extraordinarily high returns and virtually no risk. How do we make it better?"


Ayers and Obama

From HotAir
This is an interview with Robert Gibbs where he admits that Hussein knew about Ayers past...He was caught off-guard, and just like free association, he opened a window into the lying psyche of that campaign.

CNN dumping Obama overboard? Nah...

I have to check but I can't see any pigs in the air...



Nevada state authorities are raiding the Las Vegas headquarters of an organization that works to get low-income people to vote.
A Nevada secretary of state's office spokesman said Tuesday that investigators are looking for evidence of voter fraud at the office of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, also called ACORN.
No one was at the ACORN office when state agents arrived with a search warrant and began carting records and documents away.
Secretary of State spokesman Bob Walsh says ACORN is accused of submitting multiple voter registrations with false and duplicate names.
The raid comes two months after state and federal authorities formed a task force to pursue election-fraud allegations in Nevada.

Here's more about ACORN

I can continue but all you have to do is Google "ACORN voter fraud"

Brian Williams crying McCain/Palin

So Brian Williams, a shill for da dems and NBC anchor,was on the bucktooth morons show, is upset because McCain/Palin isn't interviewing with his grace....Maybe they will if he holds his breath and stomps his feet a little louder. Seriously, what is this elitist crap. They don't have to kowtow to you, the media. As you recall in the Palin speech at the RNC she said she was not here to make friends with you libs in the media. They haven't interviewed with you, bozo, because they know you won't tell the real story. You will edit and twist everything they say. Maybe they don;t like the fact that you guys are biased. I don't know, take your pick.

Corsi kicked out of Kenya

Jerome Corsi, the author of the book "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command" Was detained in Kenya and then deported....why is this a big deal?  It's not really.

SNL is offended they're being called left-leaning

I'm sorry, who is calling SNL and NBC (Jeff Zucker) 'left-leaning"? I'm calling them flat out liberal demagogues!

Conservative Hollywood?

Conservative Hollywod? Next thing you know, they'll be telling me that the yeti is not real?

Madonna hates free speech, except her own...typical lib

By Madge:
She told the crowd: "Sarah Palin can't come to my party. Sarah Palin can't come to my show. It's nothing personal,"

Oh No! How will Sarah ever sleep at night? Oh, oh, oh, what ever will she do?

McCain gets the dust out and fires with one barrel

From The NY Post:
""Whatever the question, whatever the issues, there's always a back story with Senator Obama . . . Our current economic crisis is a good case in point. The crisis started in our housing market in the form of subprime loans that were pushed on people who could not afford them.

"Bad mortgages were being backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and it was only a matter of time before a contagion of unsustainable debt began to spread," McCain said during an event in Albuquerque, NM.

"This corruption was encouraged by Democrats in Congress, and abetted by Senator Obama."

McCain is finally starting to come out and lay the blame of this financial predicament at the door of the arsonists that started this fire, the libs....

Who said it?

Which vice presidential candidate said this:
""I believe that most Americans would agree on the problems this country faces and which the next administration must solve. They include the need, once again, for an economy that works. The economy today is in very, very bad shape, the highest unemployment since the Great Depression, 50% higher than when Mr. XXXX took office, raging inflation. The latest wholesale price index is once again raising the specter of double-digit inflation. The purchasing power of the average American has slipped so much that it's now the equivalent of the purchasing power in XXXX. It's not getting better, it's getting worse. All the leading indicators now point downward. Stock investors are losing confidence. Over $50 billion of value has disappeared from the stock market in less than a month. We need a government that works, we need a government that cares, and once again, we have to get back at work on education, on health, on housing, on the environment, on energy. And we need a foreign policy that once again reflects the values and the beliefs of the American people. This will take leadership, and we need leadership, too. The Republican administration, the Republican Party has had eight years to solve these problems. All of them have gotten worse. The Republican ticket does not offer new plans for their solution but is engaged in a frantic effort to defend the past. This nation desperately needs new leadership. The XXXX-XXXX ticket would offer a new generation of leadership dedicated to solving the problems I have listed, and that is the basis of our appeal."

Can you guess?
It was Walter Modale, 1976, VP debate...
Does this not sound like every single lib speech you ever heard?

Sarah handles a classless moron with class

SuperSarah handles a heckler:
"Bless your heart sir, my son is in Iraq fighting for your right to protest."

Monday, October 6, 2008


Obama's buddy: Bill Ayers.
Here's more stuff on him. Make up your own mind
No Regret (Thanks LGF)
Ayers tried to kill his family
Need more?
Why does Obama refuses to categorically deny his relationship with a known terrorist? If it was anyone else, and if he was truly innocent of this, he would screaming at the top of his lungs "Lies! All lies!" But alas, the junior senator from Illinois claims a fleeting relationship. One that Obama would like to be construed as meeting a buddy in the supermarket once a year.

The dreaded lemming-gene discovered in some voters!

What in our DNA makes some people like lemmings?
This from WSJonline:
A Month Away, Some Voters Can't Decide:

"The 44-year-old construction worker in the battleground state of Virginia said he isn't sure how he will vote this year. "I want to say I'll vote on the economy, which Democrats are better on, but I'm not sure if the economy is all that bad," he said recently.
"Obama's pastor bothers me, but I take everything I hear on television with a grain of salt."

Is that right Mr. Tiffany? Then why would you say democrats are better on the economy? Hmmm? Is it because you actually contain the cursed lemming gene? No, sir! You are free! Free to make up your own mind. Just like the story of lemmings following the leader of a cliff, so is the story of democrats being better on the economy, both a myth.

Another piece of news that will not go reported

Just like falling gas prices, the media will remain silent on this news as well. From Bloomberg.com "The euro fell to a 13-month low against the dollar as the deepening credit crisis prompted European governments to pledge bailouts for troubled banks" What does this mean? 1) The dollar is showing stronger 2) The US is quickly becoming socialist with this new bailout bill

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The truth hurts, Obama.

When the mainstream media get called out for their lack of journalistic integrity, they get upset. The truth hurts. In this particular instance Sarah Palin pointed out that Hussein was ( I think he still is) buddies with William Ayers, a homegrown terrorist. This is not "speculation." There are alleged eye-witness accounts of Obama being at this man's house. This media shows it's true colors, yet again. Why has this name, Ayers, not become a house hold name like, Rove and Starr? Why has the media not mentioned him? Make up your own mind...

Team Sarah!

Team Sarah!

Read my lips raising/lowering taxes will not fix anything, a study in futility.

This was sent to me by a brilliant Cornell University Student, who also happens to be my cousin:
After listening to the presidential and vice-presidential debates, I realized that the issue of taxation on corporations and individuals seems to be a ubiquitous theme. McCain/Palin explaining that Obama/Biden will raise taxes and Obama/Biden commenting that McCain/Palin will give more tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations. The problem here is that one of the solutions that was proposed by the two campaigns will do nothing to increase global competitiveness and create equity between classes (in reference to taxation, not redistribution of wealth). The argument should not be able lowering or raising taxes but rather on the reformation of the current tax system. Hopefully, I can try to shed some light on something that has been constantly looked over. I will not get too detailed because I believe one should make up his/her own decision through research and reasoning. Let’s first take a brief look at the current tax system.
Brief, would be an understatement in this overview but I rather focus on the actual issue than arguing about semantics about how the IRS works. Here it goes. Federal tax law in the United States is regulated and administrated by the IRS. The original goal of the tax law was to raise revenue for the federal government. Throughout the years amendments have been added and acts have been signed that have made the system even more of a complex process. The system is progressive, as income goes up so do the applicable rates. The government also allows exemptions under the current tax policy. They reward individuals and corporations with tax deductions. That’s basically it in a nutshell. Oh and don’t bother looking at the tax code its about 9-10 million words long.
We need to grasp the concept that taxes are here to stay and regardless of your feelings towards them, you will also pay taxes. The government does need revenue to make sure that the 10% approval rating congress has light and power to filibuster in the chamber. Additionally, increasing or decreasing taxes will never create that equity that we so “patriotically” strive for. One may pose a question such as why not just continue lowering tax rates? The problem is that tax reform acts that were passed in prior administrations have been used as political leverage and disregard the need to completely revamp the current tax code. With every reform that is passed new exemptions are created. Increase in taxes create tax avoidance issues. So if Obama/Biden want to increase taxes, I can almost guarantee that the citizens they want to make more “patriotic” will find ways to avoid them and here you will observe the catalyst for the corruption that they want to destroy. Look up the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and the S chapter explosion after the passage for an example.
The United States has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world. The effects on society are extremely visible. Less jobs, lower business growth, and the most important significantly lower attractiveness for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). We complain about all those things, yet we see politicians putting the blame on companies such as Nike, GM, and Microsoft. Do you think any reasonable person or company would say, well country A has a corporate tax rate of 15% but the US has 40%, I think I’ll go to the US. No dummies! If you know someone that would, then please make sure that they go back to business school. The fluctuation of the tax rate also goes into decisions of investment and allocation of resources. If rates were high why would a company invest in new machines, workers, or etc?
If you take the last point in terms of regular citizens in society, the tax system creates somewhat of an uncertainty for workers. If the tax rate constantly fluctuates up and down, workers have no idea if they should increase or reduce hours of work. For example, if I knew that the tax rate was a constant percentage all the time regardless of income, I would ensure that I worked to the marginal rate that would allow me to be financially solvent as well as happy. I would also know that that I could if I wanted to work more hours.
To do a quick wrap up. If you have heard of these concepts, then you are particularly informed. If not but this makes sense to you, then you are beginning to be informed. There are two solutions out there. Either the Flat Tax, which has been proposed by Steve Forbes and others, or a FairTax which is essentially the same but is more focused on a national retail tax. Do your homework, read up on these ideas and make your own decisions. I recognize that there may be criticisms of both systems. But seriously people, putting a band-aid on a flesh wound (fixing the current system) will be a lot more painful.
Taxes have become a buzz word for political campaigns. Often we see a candidate ramble on and then mention he/she will be changing the current tax and the American people react. Not to the nonsense that was spewed before but to the word taxes. If you reform the system completely, politicians would be able to focus more times discussing issues that actually matter (education, defense, welfare, etc).

Saturday, October 4, 2008


This from Cnet

Ok, let me show you some of the things in this bill. Remember this bill was supposed to be a heroic measure to save us from Armageddon!

1) millions in tax breaks and related pork for kids' wooden arrows, Puerto Rican rum producers, auto race tracks, and corporations operating in American Samoa. (The likely explanation for the latter: StarKist has a large tuna-canning operation in American Samoa. And StarKist's parent company happens to be located in the district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.)

2) One-year extension for wind and refined coal energy tax credits. A production credit for electricity produced from renewable marine energy sources (meaning through wave power and river power, or by exploiting the differences in ocean temperature). Energy credits for "small wind properties," geothermal heat pump systems, and energy-efficient residential properties.

3)New renewable-energy bonds. Up to $800 billion in energy bonds may be offered to the public, with a third from "public power providers," a third from governments, and the remainder from "cooperative electric companies."

4) Tax credits for "cellulosic biofuels" and for "carbon dioxide sequestration." An extension of an alternative fuel credit. Tax credits for "new qualified plug-in electric-drive motor vehicles." Bicycle commuters get a nod, as do regulations aimed at "residential top-loading clothes washers."

5) IRS undercover operations: Privacy invasion?
The bailout bill also gives the Internal Revenue Service new authority to conduct undercover operations. It would immunize the IRS from a passel of federal laws, including permitting IRS agents to run businesses for an extended sting operation, to open their own personal bank accounts with U.S. tax dollars, and so on. (Think IRS agents posing as accountants or tax preparers and saying, "I'm not sure if that deduction is entirely legal, but it'll save you $1,000. Want to take it?") That section had expired as of January 1, 2008, and would now be renewed.

6) The law authorizes the Treasury Department to create a so-called Troubled Assets Relief Program, or TARP, as well as a separate insurance fund.
The TARP program permits the Treasury to purchase mortgage-backed bonds or any other "troubled assets" from financial institutions. The idea is that because banks have become so hesitant to lend to each other, this law will help unstick the gears of the modern financial economy.
Some loopholes exist. It's possible for a bank to buy $100 billion of bad debt--perhaps in the form of subprime mortgages that are becoming quickly worthless-- declare bankruptcy, and sell it to the Treasury Department for $120 billion, or $200 billion. In other words, although the Treasury Department is supposed to look out for the best interests of taxpayers, there's no law forbidding such profits in the case of firms involved in bankruptcy, receivership, or mergers.
The Treasury Department is authorized to "guarantee" home mortgages, essentially becoming a kind of co-signer, to reduce the number of foreclosures. If the home owner stops paying his or her mortgage, taxpayers would be on the hook. The Treasury Department can also eliminate a "reasonable" amount of a home owner's mortgage debt, under section 109 of the new law, which would likely delay the process of house prices falling.


1) "We will not Christmas-tree this bill," Sen. Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat promised a few days ago. "The times are too urgent. Everyone has their own desires and needs. It's going to have to wait."

My friends, this is nothing more than the same old politics from the left. They hate this country and the working man. They will find ways to pad the pockets of their friends in high places. They will kowtow to lobyist and special interests. Obama is the face of the party. If you choose to vote for Obama, GOD help us, then you deserve everything you get. Or better yet, deserve everything you will NOT get.

Palin Power!


“Some of his comments that he has made about the war that I think may — in my world– disqualifies someone from consideration as the next commander in chief.” Palin said, “Some of his comments about Afghanistan and what we are doing there supposedly– just air raiding villages and killing civilians. That’s reckless. So I wanted to talk about things like that. So I guess I have to apologize about being a little annoyed, but that is also an indication of being outside that Washington elite and being outside the media elite also and just wanting to talk and just wanting to talk to Americans without the filter and let them know what we stand for.”

Palin slamming Hussein for being, well, Hussein.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Speak not of what I know by Reuters

Now this may come as a shock, but I am a physician...no seriously, stop laughing!
Here's an article that actually combines medicine and lunacy.
From Reuters: Poverty-linked diseases come back in Argentina
"Poverty-related diseases such as Chagas, rabies and yellow fever are making a comeback in Argentina because prevention campaigns cut during a deep economic crisis seven years ago have still not recovered."

Here's the "Lunacy" part:
Deforestation and higher temperatures attributed to global warming are also contributing to the resurgence or reappearance of some diseases, experts said.
Mosquito-borne illnesses, which have made a comeback around the world, possibly due to climate change or the banning of some pesticides, are also resurgent in Argentina.

Ok, here's the medical facts: 
1) banning of pesticides is directly responsible for resurgence of all mosquito-born illnesses. Don't believe me?  Read up on "DDT", "Rachel Carson", "Silent Spring" and the death rate of DDT vs. Malaria in the world.
2) Chagas disease, aka American Trypansomiasis, causes a bunch of stuff that's irrelevant to this.  The germane points are that this infection is passed from a bug called a Riduviid bug.  This bug lives in thatch, adobe, or mud huts. 

What is the lesson here?  Climate change is not responsible for this.  Criminal dictatorships, Lunatic enviro-Marxist, and news organizations that report this bilge are responsible.

Sure, why not

From the LA Times:
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, alarmed by the ongoing national financial crisis, warned Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson on Thursday that the state might need an emergency loan of as much as $7 billion from the federal government within weeks.

The Governator gives me a good idea. I'm going call Paulson and ask for an emergency $20 for a pizza..I'm starving!

Right back at ya!

Thursday's highly anticipated face-off between Alaska governor Sarah Palin and Delaware senator Joe Biden may be the most-watched debate in 16 years..

United States of the Netherlands

From Reuters:
The Dutch government nationalized the banking and insurance activities of Fortis in the Netherlands on Friday after the troubled financial services company hit an acute cash crunch. "The government reaffirms the commitments it made to savers and customers. Its first priority remains to ensure that no depositor or client will be in difficulty," the statement said. "With this takeover we not only ensure that crucial systemic banking activities come into calmer waters, it also means that activities important to the Dutch investment climate are preserved,"

Does this sound familiar? Hello, Mcfly?!?


My friends, we are headed towards a centralized government, aka socialism. You don't believe me? Just look at wants going on in this country and compare that with the Dutch constitutional monarchy.

Wells Fargo vs Citi

From Bloomberg:
Wells Fargo & Co. offered $15 billion for Wachovia Corp., setting up a contest with Citigroup Inc. for control of the embattled North Carolina lender.
Citigroup demanded Wells Fargo abandon the takeover, claiming it breaches an exclusive deal reached earlier this week in which the New York-based lender agreed to buy Wachovia's banking operations for $2.16 billion with government help.

Citi's pissed because they got outsmarted. The feds, in an overnight coup, had Citi pick over the Wachovia bones. I'm glad that Wells Fargo offered them much more. I'm glad there's another dog in this fight! I'm glad to see that capitalism still works! Just watch what kind of judicial war this will spark.

Obama proves beyond a shadow of a doubt he's still a guy

He may be a left wing lug-nut but obviously he's still a guy.

Jewish Army trainee in Ga. says he was beaten

From the AP: Jewish Army trainee in Ga. says he was beaten
" In a letter home, a Jewish soldier in basic training at Fort Benning complained of religious discrimination and wrote that a friend overheard platoon members saying they wanted to beat him up.
Days later, Pvt. Michael Handman was beaten so badly he had to be treated at a hospital, and his father believes the attack stemmed from an investigation of Handman's claims that instructors had harassed him and used anti-Semitic slurs."

I wonder if any mainstreamers will this up?
I wish we had people like Sharpton to decry this.

Colmes "Hope that anger managment works out for you DICK"

Ahh, Alan, a whiny little debutante, the prototypical lib.

Clinton kicks Obama in the cobblers, again

Clinton smacks down Hussein, again:
"It's amazing, you know, she's been thrust into the national spotlight with very little preparation and I think that, all things considered, you saw a very composed and effective debater last night."

I love this!

Biden is lying? STOP THE PRESSES !

You know the old adage "How do you know a politician is lying? His lips are moving!"
This has never been more true than with Joe "the dumbest man in the Senate" Biden.

Jews are the cause of all my problems too!

From AFRP: US financial crisis causes spike in online anti-Semitism

"The age-old canards about Jews and money are always just beneath the surface,"

Hey you know those sneaky Jews, they is always trying to Jew you down...always trying to rip you off.
I for one agree with Louis Farrakhan when he said : "I say you call yourself Goldstein, Silverstein and Rubinstein because you [sic] stealing all the gold and silver and rubies all over the earth. . . we call it jewelry but it's really Jew-elry, Jew-elry because of your deiving [sic] and stealing and rogueing [sic] and lying all over the face of the planet earth.

Chris Matthews, shows why he is a consummate professional

"You know what I think of people when they come on 'Hardball' and they look at the camera? I think they're dolts."

Calling Palin a "dolt." Well. at least their not pretending to be fair anymore.

Hussein wants us to loose, er, I mean win!

Asked whether he would move U.S. troops out of Iraq to better fight terrorism elsewhere, he brought up Afghanistan and said, "We've got to get the job done there and that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous pressure over there."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin KO!!

Palin WIPED THE FLOOR With the Dumbest man in the Senate...
I have to admit the Gwen Ifill was fair.

Where have all the cowboys gone?

A brilliant peice by Quin Hillyer of the American Spectator
It basically talks about how this country is not the same anymore. It is not the same America that Madison invisioned "prevent the fleeting passions from becoming law."

What conflict of interest? If you say 'conflict' again, you a racist!

This from National Review Online by Andrew C. McCarthy:
basically Gwen Ifill, who will hosting (not moderating) tonight's VP debate has a book coming out praising Obama. However, Mr. McCarthy points out that Ms. Ifill blasted Italian President Silvio Berlusconi, for having "another job"
She wanted to know isn't that a conflict of interest? Um, yeah, duh.

Why do we have to constantly put up with arrogant wind-bags who think their BM's do not stink? Why do the mainstream media let them get away with that? Why am I asking these questions when we all know...If you're black AND liberal you can use the race card for anything because no one will dare challenge you. I think that using that is in itself derisive.

I think people that won't vote for Palin are sexist! If they don't vote for McCain, they're practising agism!!!
YOU SEXIST, MISOGYNISTIC, AGEISTIC PIG! How do you sleep at night?

"Man, this dress don't fit, it's racism!!! They make me think that the dress fit with them tricky mirror....As soon as I take it home George Bush makes the dress too small!! Then when I wear it for three years and they have stains and I try to take it back, they tell me they ain't gonna takes it back!!!!! Damn racist!"

With libs it's about sex and race and how they can race to get more sex!

This "story" was written by Sarah "not very" Bright. Before I give you the story, I would like to take a moment to give you some insight into Ms. Brights work. There are such riveting articles as: Is It Legal Porn or Illegal Porn?Beyond the ‘Zipless Fuck’. Don't forget Pulitzer material such as Deep Throat, Big Brain — Sex Blogger Chelsea Girl, and The Prince of Gonzo Porn.
Now that you know her work, she has a piece out entitled: Why Sarah’s Sex Life Matters...
The top two reason (the only two reasons she gives) are:

#1. Sexual politics is important. It matters.

#2. Palin has made priggery, prudery and sexual hypocrisy a centerpiece of her law enforcement and public policy directives, as both the mayor of the beautiful Wasilla, Alaska, and the governor of the state.

Yup and other brilliant insight such as
"She ran on a sex-is-icky platform."
"And then Mayor Palin cut funding for rape test kits. It's like, "If you want to complain about being raped, sweetheart, well, you can just get out your checkbook."--by the way this is 'like' a flat out lie

Anyway, you can read the entire piece of crap on your own time.
Thanks to Little Green Footballs (hit up their link)

Obama, Oprah and those tricky devils

So this is a two parter, please hang in there.  Obama on June 28, 2008 in DC  remarked ".. You know the people like the couple I met in Las Vegas who were tricked into buying a house they couldn’t afford and are at risk of facing foreclosure…"
Now, Oprah's mom claims the store bamboozled her into giving her the credit and she shouldn't have to pay for it.

So, we have people, liberals, making claims that it's not their fault that they can't pay for things.  They were tricked, they say.  They were bamboozled.  They were hoodwinked.  They were lead by the nose.  They were lead astray.  They were duped.  It's the same thing with this bailout.  People made stupid mistakes and now they want someone else to pay for it....Does this sound familiar at all? Hmmm?

Religion of piece(s) tolerance are not apparent Palin supporters, who knew?

A radical Muslim prayer leader in Pakistan condemns Asif Ali Zardari's "indecent gestures" toward Sarah Palin, calling it a disgrace to all of Pakistan to say the Western woman is "gorgeous."

So what did the 'religion-of-tolerance-and-peace' do?  They issued a fatwa.  

Finance for 'dummies' or liberals

From my sister:

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that's what they decided to do.

The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. "Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20." Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free.

But what about the other six men * the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?'

They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.

And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.

"I only got a dollar out of the $20,"declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man," but he got $10!"

"Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I got"

"That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!"

"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat

[Original email attributed to.... not sure if this is real or not]

David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
University of Georgia

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pelosi, a hypocritical witch.

WASHINGTON —  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi paid her husband's real estate and investment firm nearly $100,000 from her political action committee over the past decade, a practice that she voted to ban last year and that her party condemned as part of the "culture of corruption" when Republicans did it.

It's unbelievable but not unusual.  Nancy Pelosi is the biggest partisan political hack.  If there was a more unqualified person to be in an elected role, aside from Harry Reid, I have never heard of one.

The moderator of tomorrow's vice-presidential debate is writing a book to come out on the day the next president takes the oath of office that aims to "shed new light" on Democratic candidate Barack Obama and other "emerging young African American politicians" who are "forging a bold new path to political power."

Gwen Ifill of the Public Broadcasting Service program "Washington Week" is promoting "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama," in which she argues the "black political structure" of the civil rights movement is giving way to men and women who have benefited from the struggles over racial equality.

My friends, does this seem right to you? I wonder what would happen if Limbaugh was a moderator, if their would be any outpouring of support? We can see where Ms. Ifills affiliations lay. Besides being an ardent Hussein hack, she is on the Harvard Institute of Politics (google it and see how many conservatives are on it). I have no doubts that Gov. Palin will overcome this little stack of the deck just like VP Chaney did in 2004 when she moderated the VP debate